[Live-demo] JOSM Update OS Geo Live 6.5

Hamish hamish_b at yahoo.com
Tue Apr 23 20:59:09 PDT 2013

Carsten wrote:
> I'd like to know how to update JOSM.

go to the JOSM website, download the latest "tested" .jar file.

stash it somehwere on your drive.

create a ~/.bash_aliases file, in it put:

alias josm='java -jar /home/yourname/bin/josm-r5759.jar'

(or whatever you named the .jar file)

then start a new Terminal window and start josm from the
command prompt.

> When I start running it it tells me that it is outdated.

yeah, they put out a new version about once a month then put
nastygrams to the old versions. I wouldn't worry about it too
much wrt releases less than a few months old.

If you want to delete or replace the old version, it's on disc
in  /usr/local/share/osm/ as josm-tested.jar.


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