[Live-demo] Artwork for version 6.5?

Javi Sanchez jsgisdev at gmail.com
Wed Feb 20 05:13:49 PST 2013

Hi all,

I Just would like to know if there is someone already working on new 
artwork version of the disc.

I also wonder if someone could give me any tip/help on how to work on it 
and if it is possible to fix it with GIMP.

I've been taking a look at [1], but those files seems to be raster when 
I open them in GIMP, I understand it is not easy to edit unless I can 
have them in vector format. Is that correct or I just don't know how to 
do it?

[1] http://trac.osgeo.org/osgeo/browser/livedvd/artwork/sleeve/6.0

Best regards,

Javi Sánchez.

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