[Live-demo] Artwork for version 6.5?

Brian Hamlin maplabs at light42.com
Wed Feb 20 08:30:25 PST 2013

On Feb 20, 2013, at 5:13 AM, Javi Sanchez wrote:
> I Just would like to know if there is someone already working on  
> new artwork version of the disc.
> I also wonder if someone could give me any tip/help on how to work  
> on it and if it is possible to fix it with GIMP.

> I've been taking a look at [1], but those files seems to be raster  
> when I open them in GIMP, I understand it is not easy to edit  
> unless I can have them in vector format. Is that correct or I just  
> don't know how to do it?
> [1] http://trac.osgeo.org/osgeo/browser/livedvd/artwork/sleeve/6.0

Hi Javi -

   I did the desktop background image for the Live.. I use another  
non-free product to do it..
I dont know what the answer is about GIMP. I dont know how to use  
GIMP and the few times I
have tried it, I dont like it very much.. so I will not be doing new  
artwork in GIMP just because it is
free software...

   You know that the OSGeo compass variations are in osgeo svn
The type is just ordinary type, and the background is just a lots of  
brush and paint work using ordinary tools.

best regards from Berkeley, California

Brian M Hamlin
OSGeo California Chapter
415-717-4462 cell

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