[Live-demo] Uploading overview and quickstart for TileMill

Javi Sanchez jsgisdev at gmail.com
Tue Jan 15 11:40:58 PST 2013

Hi Cameron,

Thank you for the review.

I've already commited a new versión with my feed-back following your 
comments, with my initials (js:...).

I have a slight doubt about OGC Standards as well, but the overview was 
reviewed by Dane last week, so I would say we are pretty sure about the 
supported standards issue.... Quick start has not been reviewed by Dane 


Javi Sánchez.

El 15/01/13 12:29, Cameron Shorter escribió:
> Javi,
> Thanks for your first draft of the Project Overview.
> I've had a first pass of reviewing the TileMill project overview and 
> committed to svn.
> I've restructured some of the text, and added a few comments which I'm 
> hoping that you will look at. (Search for "Review Comment").
> My adjustments to the text were to put a stronger focus on the user 
> experience, then talk about technology, rather than the other way around.
> Could you please have a look and let me know what you think. Feel free 
> to make updates as you see fit.
> On 14/01/13 02:51, Javi Sanchez wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am on the way to include overview and quickstart for TileMill, and 
>> not sure how to go on.
>> What I've already done in svn is:
>> - commited logo
>> - commited screenshots
>> - commitied rst files to trunk
>> https://svn.osgeo.org/osgeo/livedvd/gisvm/trunk/doc/en/quickstart/tilemill_quickstart.rst 
>> https://svn.osgeo.org/osgeo/livedvd/gisvm/trunk/doc/en/overview/tilemill_overview.rst 
>> What are next steps?
>> How can these files be included in sphinxs TOC, so the new documents 
>> appear in the index, and I can debug in my local environment?
>> Thanks,
>> Javi Sánchez.
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