[Live-demo] [OSGeo] #1062: Cartaro and Geomajas should be in submenus

OSGeo trac_osgeo at osgeo.org
Fri Jan 25 01:04:21 PST 2013

#1062: Cartaro and Geomajas should be in submenus
 Reporter:  hamish   |       Owner:  hamish                      
     Type:  task     |      Status:  new                         
 Priority:  normal   |   Milestone:  OSGeoLive7.0                
Component:  LiveDVD  |    Keywords:  cartaro, geomajas, menus, 70

Comment(by phaf):

 You are right, Hamish. However Cartaro depends on a running Geoserver. To
 make it easier for new user, they have not take care of this dependency.

Ticket URL: <https://trac.osgeo.org/osgeo/ticket/1062#comment:1>
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