[Live-demo] Another OSGeo-Live BoF at FOSS4G today after OSGeo AGM

Astrid Emde astrid.emde at wheregroup.com
Fri Sep 20 01:37:48 PDT 2013


yesterday we had a very good meeting with people interested in OSGeo-Live.
We were more than 15 participant.

We talked about a lot of topics and nearly missed the Gala dinner ;)

You find the topics we discussed about on the BoF FOSS4G wiki page:


Please add your name if you want.

TODAY we want to meet again.
We will meet after the OSGeo GML. We still have to find a room. Yesterday
it looked like some of you want to discuss more about the documentation
and about packaging and build process.

Today from 9-10 we are also invited to the Education and ICA-OSGeo Labs
When - Friday 20th September at 09:00 -10:00 in the GeoCamp Marquee


See you in the evening at next OSGeo-Live BoF meeting


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