[Live-demo] Moving to OSGeoLive ppa

Angelos Tzotsos gcpp.kalxas at gmail.com
Sun Jan 5 08:24:13 PST 2014

Hi all,

I have completed the move to the new OSGeoLive Launchpad account.

2 new PPAs have been created:

1. release
This is our *frozen* ppa. We are not supposed to build or dput anything 
to this ppa. We just copy *tested* deb files from other repositories 
that we want to be included for a release (beta, RC or final).
This will also be a good place to release online updates in the future.
Perhaps we should have one release PPA per each final OSGeoLive version 
from now on:
Create https://launchpad.net/~osgeolive/+archive/7.9 and 
https://launchpad.net/~osgeolive/+archive/7.9-updates the moment we 
release 7.9. Thoughts?

2. nightly
This is the place to upload our testing code and new deb files. 
OSGeoLive nightly builds are created from this PPA, so we can see how 
stable a package is before including it to our release PPA.

There have been some changes in the build scripts to use the above PPAs. 
UbuntuGIS has been removed from all installers (actually commented out 
in case someone wants to use the installer as stand-alone)

All deb files we used for 7.0 have been copied from UbuntuGIS unstable.

Also, PostGIS 2.1 has been copied to the nightly PPA to be tested in the 
following days.


Angelos Tzotsos
Remote Sensing Laboratory
National Technical University of Athens

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