[Live-demo] FOSS4G OSGeo Code Sprint will start next sunday - lot of information

Astrid Emde astrid.emde at wheregroup.com
Wed Aug 17 22:35:36 PDT 2016

Hello OSGeo-Live team,

FOSS4G OSGeo Code Sprint will start on sunday 21.8.2016.

Who is coming?
Just want to ask who will attend. If you are not in the wiki yet, please 
add your name.


Join Via IRC
You also can join the sprint via IRC.
* http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Live_GIS_Disc#Contact_Us

At the moment there are only tree topics on the agenda for the code 

* next version
* documentation
* translation

If you have ideas, please add more topics.

In last IRC we talked about possible topics

* transiflex (set up translation with transiflex, find someone from 
other projects who can help to set it up)
* provide test server - fix the old or set up a new test server with the 
up-to-date translation and translation statistics

What do you think about the topic list?

Some newbies already mentioned to come to the code sprint. That is 
great! Would be good, if some of the OSGeo-Live people are there to give 
an introduction & overview about the project.

Looks like some work on translations will be done at the code sprint f.e 
Kari asked to start finish translation & some people volunteered to help 
with the translation.

See you soon in Bonn


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