[Lizmap] Adding external WMS/WMTS to lizMap.map object

igor.buczak at envirosolutions.pl igor.buczak at envirosolutions.pl
Fri Mar 26 05:10:02 PDT 2021

I'm using LizMap in versions 3.4.0 to 3.4.2 and I would like to add a 
WMS/WMTS baselayer using JavaScript.
The problem is when I set projection for the layer other than 
lizMap.map.projection ('EPSG:3857') - I can't see requested WMS/WMTS 
image, because map object send request using coordinates from map 

For example, adding WMS baselayer:
_wmsLayer = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS("testWMS",_
_    "http://vmap0.tiles.osgeo.org/wms/vmap0", {_
_        layers: 'basic'_
_    }, {_
_ isBaseLayer: true_
_ , projection : new OpenLayers.Projection('EPSG:4269')_
_ , gutter: 5_
_ , buffer : 0_
_ , singleTile : true_
_ , ratio : 1_
_ });_
_var newOption = $(`<option value="testWMS">testWMS</option>`)_
_var blName = lizMap.map.getLayersByName('testWMS')[0];_

When added baselayer is active, map request for the image:

But it won't work, because requested BBOX 
is wrong, it should be (18.0772944,49.3726875,20.87056861,51.03376694):

Is there any way to add WMS/WMTS served in a different coordinate 

Thanks in advance for any help,

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