[Lizmap] question Lizmap

Marin M marin.mirosevic at gmail.com
Wed Mar 30 09:06:22 PDT 2022


I am an absolute beginner with Lizmap. It would be great if I could get
some explanation further.
I have  a General question of how "stuff" works with Lizmap when it comes
to Qgis Server.

I have read in the Lizmap documentation -Qgis server, PHP application and
Database are needed   to be able to publish data using  the Lizmap plugin
residing inside Qgis.

When I define a Qgis server does it always have to be on a local machine
where Qgis is installed (with Lizmap plugin ) or can this also be copied
with  for example filezilla  to some web  URL address ?

 with "copied" I mean project ( .qgs ), ( .cfg) an( . gis file) or i am
missing some files here for  ftp-ing to web url?

Or am I not at all on the right track here with the described  workflow ?
If so can I then get some tips

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