[Lizmap] Looking for a way to export all child features of multiple parents

Meyer, Lorenz Meyer at gisgeometer.de
Thu Jun 6 04:46:47 PDT 2024

Hello All,

i have a very specific use case which troubles me for some time now:

I have a relation set up between two layers: parcels (parent) and owners (child). I’m looking for any posibility to select one or more parcels on the map and then create an output which includes all corresponding children of that parent(s). As the atlas print in Lizmap works a bit different than in QGIS, this option does not work (?) ( so far i was not even able to create a working QGIS example ☹ ). I would be happy if in the end i just get an .xlsx or .csv output. Do you have any ideas how to achieve that?

Short story long:
In Germany you need to contact all owners of neighbouring parcels if you want to build something. So my customers need a function to select all neighbouring parcels of the one original parcel where something should be built. That seems quite doable in Lizmap as it’s quite similiar to the „Select all Firehydrants within 150m around a building“ example action. Before i implement this action, i need to know if Lizmap is then able to do the next step and export all owner features of the then selected parcels.

Thank you already,

Lorenz Meyer

Büro Weingarten
Telefon: 0751/56966-24
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E-Mail: meyer at gisgeometer.de<mailto:meyer at gisgeometer.de>
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