[Lizmap] Looking for a way to export all child features of multiple parents

Nicolas Boisteault nboisteault at 3liz.com
Thu Jun 6 06:13:23 PDT 2024


That should be doable with some JavaScript. Look at selection functions 
in Lizmap API.

Le 06/06/2024 à 13:46, Meyer, Lorenz via Lizmap a écrit :
> Hello All,
> i have a very specific use case which troubles me for some time now:
> I have a relation set up between two layers: parcels (parent) and 
> owners (child). I’m looking for any posibility to select one or more 
> parcels on the map and then create an output which includes all 
> corresponding children of that parent(s). As the atlas print in Lizmap 
> works a bit different than in QGIS, this option does not work (?) ( so 
> far i was not even able to create a working QGIS example ☹ ). I would 
> be happy if in the end i just get an .xlsx or .csv output. Do you have 
> any ideas how to achieve that?
> Short story long:
> In Germany you need to contact all owners of neighbouring parcels if 
> you want to build something. So my customers need a function to select 
> all neighbouring parcels of the one original parcel where something 
> should be built. That seems quite doable in Lizmap as it’s quite 
> similiar to the „Select all Firehydrants within 150m around a 
> building“ example action. Before i implement this action, i need to 
> know if Lizmap is then able to do the next step and export all owner 
> features of the then selected parcels.
> Thank you already,
> Lorenz Meyer
> Büro Weingarten
> Telefon: 0751/56966-24
> Fax: 0751/56966-11
> E-Mail: meyer at gisgeometer.de <mailto:meyer at gisgeometer.de>
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> Meine Bürozeiten sind:
> Mo – Do von 8:00-16:00
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> Klein und Leber GbR
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> 88250 Weingarten, Hähnlehofstr. 33,
> Telefon: 0751-56966-0, Fax: 0751-56966-11
> 88046 Friedrichshafen, Otto-Lilienthal-Str. 2
> Telefon: 07541-40097-0, Fax: 07541-40097-11
> Internet: http://www.gisgeometer.de <http://www.gisgeometer.de/>
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Nicolas Boisteault
Développeur / Géomaticien
www.3liz.com <https://www.3liz.com>

*Tel.* 06 19 36 78 32

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