[Lizmap] Latest releases from yesterday

Etienne Trimaille etrimaille at 3liz.com
Tue May 28 05:32:40 PDT 2024


Yesterday, we released 4 new versions :

  * AtlasPrint plugin, to fix the PDF output
  * Lizmap server plugin, the main feature visible is the "warning" icon
    if the layer is invalid in your legend. This will help debugging and
    seeing you have a problem in your project
  * Lizmap Web Client 3.6.13
  * Lizmap Web Client 3.7.8

As usual, do not forget to update your Lizmap plugin in QGIS Desktop by 
yourself, there is quite a few versions, sorry for that :)



Etienne Trimaille
www.3liz.com <http://www.3liz.com>

*Tel.* 06 12 93 11 39
31, rue de l'Argenterie
34000 Montpellier
*Siège social*
73, allée Kleber
Boulevard de Strasbourg
34000 Montpellier

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