[OSGeo-Discuss] Mobile GPS data collection...

bob.b at gritechnologies.com bob.b at gritechnologies.com
Mon Jul 31 12:26:00 EDT 2006


The statement about wireless web was meant to suggest using a wireless syncing when available, and t have manual syncing as a default state of operation.

This is really just an attempt at automating the syncing to the fullest possible extent.

For example, i have field personnel that go underground and won't even have the map tracking function, and they will need to do a bit more data entry and be a bit more aware of their location based on the available GPS location provided.

My desire is for the portable torun standalone while out of contact, and then to sync automatically once a network is established.


-----Original Message-----

From:  Tyler Mitchell <tylermitchell at shaw.ca>
Subj:  Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Mobile GPS data collection...
Date:  Mon Jul 31, 2006 10:15 am
Size:  1K
To:  discuss at mail.osgeo.org

On 31-Jul-06, at 2:19 AM, Mateusz Loskot wrote:

> Bob Basques wrote:
>> I'm more inclined to go with some sort of Web Based Syncing of the
>> data collection.
> Bob,
> Me too, but think that only Web based synced application would  
> limit its
> proliferation. I mean, in many countries, you can not even dream about
> long-time Internet access in field, for example when collecting  
> data in
> forest.
> IMHO combined solution of Web based synchronization and local database
> would be best.

One of the biggest problems I have seen with many modern mobile  
solutions is they tend to be developed for urban applications - many  
of the latest greatest solutions announced at conferences and  
tradeshows are using wifi or cell-based connectivity.  I bet Mateusz  
and I are in the same boat (and David) where we want to do  
applications in remote rural environments.  In our case there aren't  
even roads in some places :)

Bob - I'm not sure you were trying to say we should be using wireless  
web to sync - could you clarify?


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