[OSGeo-Discuss] Mobile GPS data collection...

Mateusz Loskot mateusz at loskot.net
Mon Jul 31 13:36:12 EDT 2006

bob.b at gritechnologies.com wrote:
> For example, i have field personnel that go underground and won't 
> even have the map tracking function, and they will need to do a bit 
> more data entry and be a bit more aware of their location based on 
> the available GPS location provided.
> My desire is for the portable torun standalone while out of contact,
>  and then to sync automatically once a network is established.

I understand it, so your idea of automation is to provide
sync-on-connect feature. I like it.
If we're doing such a brainstorm, this feature could has 3 states
- sync-on-connect
- sync continuousl (only available if we're connected
to the network all the time)
- don't sync, means sync manually on request

Here, I'd like to dig into a very technical level of the synchronization
idea and ask some questions. May be it's obvious for most of us, bug
saying explicitly, I think it's highly recommended to stick to open
standards. How do you feel?

What protocol would you suggest for remote data synchronization?
In my opinion, Web Feature Service interface should be a sufficient for
this purpose. HTTP/SOAP interface is available on most of mobile
platforms we've mentioned.

Any comments?

Best regards
Mateusz Loskot

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