[OSGeo-Discuss] Distribution Special Interest Groups

Alexandre Leroux alexandreleroux at mac.com
Fri Mar 31 10:10:21 EST 2006

Hi Venka,

I don't have that much experience but here's how I see it (please  
correct me if if forgot something).

Two main things to do:
(A) Create the .torrent file and host it somewhere
(B) Link to your .torrent in as many places you can

For (A):
(A-1) You can create it yourself and host it yourself as you would  
have done for your big CD file. You would be the main seeder of the  
torrent but as soon as others starts downloading, you won't share the  
burden of bandwidth alone.
(A-2) Have someone else host your .torrent file and act as tracker.  
This could be geotorrent.org, but you should contact them directly (I  
think they're more data-oriented, but hey, maybe they're open to  
other geostuff?).

For (B):
Having something online while nobody knows it is no very efficient.  
Link to it on geospatially-oriented sites, that would be my priority  
(you could submit a story on slashgeo.org as an example ;-). You  
could also look for other more general websites such as:



On 06-03-31, at 9:53 am, Venkatesh Raghavan wrote:
> Alexandre Leroux wrote:
>> IMO geotorrent.org is a good alternative. If you want to generate  
>> your own torrent files, it is very easy using http:// 
>> azureus.sourceforge.net . Azureus is also the best existing client.
> Fine, creating torrect file is easy, but where
> can I find a torrent server. geotorrent.org
> already servers torrent geosptial data may
> be they or some one else should start serving
> geosptial software for different distros as
> torrent files.
> Thanks for the feedback.
> Regards
> Venka

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