[OSGeo-Discuss] Distribution Special Interest Groups

pmarc paulomarcondes at gmail.com
Fri Mar 31 11:56:09 EST 2006

2006/3/31, pmarc <paulomarcondes at gmail.com>:
> 2006/3/31, Frank Warmerdam <warmerdam at pobox.com>:
> > Well, similarly I see freegis.org as the mature listing for all FOSS
> > geospatial software and I don't want to duplicate that, or do anything
> > that would undermine it's "authoritative" position in this regard.
> Then Frank, it doesn't seem (at least to me) incoherent if they start
> listing the available torrents there, along with the software
> listings.

On the other hand, freegis doesn't distribute the software perse, but
instead direct to the respective project sites.
Paulo Marcondes = PU1/PU2PIX
-22.915 -42.229 = GG87vc (http://www.amsat.org/cgi-bin/gridconv)
Debian GNU/Linux = http://rj.debianbrasil.org = http://www.debian.org

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