[webmap-discuss] Re: Meeting to discuss Open Source proposals for OWS4 - in 12 hours

Pat Cappelaere pat at cappelaere.com
Fri Apr 28 16:01:13 EDT 2006

Where is that meeeting?


> From: Cameron Shorter <cameron.shorter at gmail.com>
> Reply-To: <webmap-discuss at mail.osgeo.org>
> Date: Fri, 28 Apr 2006 17:38:33 +1000
> To: Cameron Shorter <cameron.shorter at gmail.com>
> Cc: Chris Holmes <cholmes at openplans.org>, Brent Owens <brentowens at gmail.com>,
> Jody Garnett <jgarnett at refractions.net>, Andrea Aime
> <andrea.aime at aliceposta.it>, "Adair, Mike" <Mike.Adair at CCRS.NRCan.gc.ca>,
> Patrice Cappelaere <cappelaere at gmail.com>, Steven Ottens <steveno at geodan.nl>,
> Paul Spencer <pspencer at dmsolutions.ca>, Schuyler Erle <schuyler at nocat.net>,
> Roderick Morrison <rmorriso at fedroot.com>, Simone Giannecchini
> <simboss1 at gmail.com>, Kevin <Kevin.Vinsen at adi-limited.com>,
> <webmap-discuss at mail.osgeo.org>
> Subject: [webmap-discuss] Re: Meeting to discuss Open Source proposals for
> OWS4 -  in 12 hours
> This is a reminder for the meeting below.
> This meeting is likely to be busy, so I suggest that before the meeting
> people identify what OWS4 components they are interested in, then
> suggest items for the agenda.
> I'll start:
> Components:
> We (ADI and Mapbuilder team) would like to extend Mapbuilder to address:
> * Sensor Web Viewer and Controller
> * Temporial Queries of a WFS/WMS
> * Use SOAP Bindings for WFS-T (Required for user authentication)
> * GML 3.2 Viewer
> * GeoDRM client
> Agenda items:
> * Is anyone (UDig?) addressing OWS Context.  (OWS Context is not
> specified explicity, but the use cases suggest it is needed).
> * Is anyone addressing SOAP Bindings.  Geoserver?  Mapserver? DACS?
> * Is anyone addressing a WCS or Coverage Portrayal Service (WCPS)?
> * I understand that Roderick from DACS is looking into GeoDRM and I'd
> like to work out how Mapbuilder can link in with this. (Might require
> another thread).
> * There has been talk about tiling. Is anyone planning to address this
> within the OWS4 framework?
> * Please add your suggestions for the agenda:
> Cameron Shorter wrote:
>> I suggest that the people from the Open Source projects who plan to
>> participate in the OWS4 project get together in a meeting and nut out a
>> coordinated response.
>> I'm particularly interested in Mapbuilder and would like to ensure that
>> our proposal dove tails with any Geoserver or Mapserver proposals that
>> are put in.
>> Proposed meeting time:
>> http://timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?year=2006&month=4&day=28&hou
>> r=20&min=0&sec=0
>> New York: 1600 Fri
>> Paris: 2200 Fri
>> Sydney: 0600 Sat
>> OWS4 Request for Quotation:
>> http://www.opengeospatial.org/initiatives/?iid=199
> -- 
> Cameron Shorter
> http://cameron.shorter.net
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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