[Mapbender-commits] r3704 - trunk/mapbender/http/javascripts

svn_mapbender at osgeo.org svn_mapbender at osgeo.org
Fri Mar 13 09:11:10 EDT 2009

Author: christoph
Date: 2009-03-13 09:11:10 -0400 (Fri, 13 Mar 2009)
New Revision: 3704

unix style line breaks

Modified: trunk/mapbender/http/javascripts/mod_tab.js
--- trunk/mapbender/http/javascripts/mod_tab.js	2009-03-13 12:37:08 UTC (rev 3703)
+++ trunk/mapbender/http/javascripts/mod_tab.js	2009-03-13 13:11:10 UTC (rev 3704)
@@ -1,498 +1,498 @@
-// check element vars
-	if (open_tab){
-		open_tab = Number(open_tab);
-		if (isNaN(open_tab)) {
-			var e = new Mb_warning("mod_tab.js: tab_init: open_tab must be a number or an empty string.");
-		}
-	}
-	var z = new Mb_warning("mod_tab.js: tab_init: open_tab is not set.");
-	open_tab = "";
-var tabs;
-eventLocalize.register(function () {
-	localizeTabs();
-eventInit.register(function () {
-	tab_init();
-	localizeTabs();
-function localizeTabs() {
-	mb_ajax_json("../php/mod_tab_messages.php", function(obj, status){
-		tabs.setTitles(obj);
-	});
-function tab_init(){
-	var obj = document.getElementById("tabs").style;
-	// generate a new tab array
-	tabs = new VerticalTabArray(tab_style);
-	// add the tabs from element vars
-	for (var i = 0; i < tab_ids.length; i++){
-		tabs.addTab(tab_ids[i], tab_prefix + tab_titles[i], tab_frameHeight[i]);
-	}
-	if (open_tab !== "") {
-		tabs.openTab(tabs.get(open_tab).module);
-	}
-function tab_open(elementName) {
-  // show the desired tab
-	tabs.openTab(elementName);
- * @class A single vertical tab
- * 
- * @constructor
- * @param {String} id the ID of the GUI element that will be displayed within the tab
- * @param {String} title the header of the tab
- * @param {Integer} frameHeight the height of the frame containing the GUI element
- * @param {Integer} tabWidth the width of a tab (NOT the frame)
- * @param {Integer} tabHeight the height of a tab (NOT the frame)
- * @param {String} tabStyle A string with a CSS (example: position:absolute;visibility:visible;border: 1px solid white;font-size:12;color:#343434;background-color:#CFD2D4;cursor:pointer;)
- * @param {Integer} number the index of the current tab in a {@link VerticalTabArray}.
- */
-var VerticalTab = function (id, title, frameHeight, tabWidth, tabHeight, tabStyle, number) {
-	/**
-	 * Sets the attributes of the tabs DOM node.
-	 * 
-	 * @private
-	 * @param {String} title the header of the tab
-	 * @param {Integer} frameHeight the height of the frame containing the GUI element
-	 * @param {Integer} tabWidth the width of a tab (NOT the frame)
-	 * @param {Integer} tabHeight the height of a tab (NOT the frame)
-	 * @param {String} tabStyle A string with a CSS (example: position:absolute;visibility:visible;border: 1px solid white;font-size:12;color:#343434;background-color:#CFD2D4;cursor:pointer;)
-	 * @param {Integer} number the index of the current tab in a {@link VerticalTabArray}.
-	 * 
-	 */
-	var setNodeAttributes = function(title, frameHeight, tabWidth, tabHeight, tabStyle, number) {
-		node.id = "tabs_" + that.module;
-		//set css class
-		node.className = "verticalTabs";
-		//mandatory style entries
-		node.style.position = "absolute";
-		node.style.width = tabWidth;
-		node.style.height = tabHeight;
-		node.style.top = number * tabHeight;
-		// open or close on click
-		// see http://www.mapbender.org/index.php/Add_events_via_DOM_in_IE_and_FF
-		if ($.browser.msie) {
-		   node.onclick = function() {
-		      tabs.toggleTab(that.module);
-		   };
-		}
-		else {
-			node.onclick = function(){
-				tabs.toggleTab(that.module);
-			};
-		}
-		// tab header
-		node.innerHTML = title;
-	};
-	/**
-	 * Returns the DOM node of this tab.
-	 *
-	 * @return the DOM node of this tab.
-	 * @type DOMNode
-	 */
-	this.getNode = function() {
-		return node;
-	};
-	/**
-	 * The ID of the GUI element that will be displayed within the tab.
-	 */
-	this.module = id;
-	/**
-	 * The height of the frame containing the GUI element.
-	 */
-	this.height = frameHeight;
-	/**
-	 * While a tab is opened or closed, the value is false.
-	 */
-	this.animationFinished = true;
-	/**
-	 * The DOM node of this tab.
-	 *
-	 * @private
-	 */
-	var node = document.createElement("div");
-	var that = this;
-	setNodeAttributes(title, frameHeight, tabWidth, tabHeight, tabStyle, number);
- * An array of vertical tabs, behaving like an accordion
- *
- * @extends List
- * @param {String} cssString A string with a CSS (example: position:absolute;visibility:visible;border: 1px solid white;font-size:12;color:#343434;background-color:#CFD2D4;cursor:pointer;)
- */	
-var VerticalTabArray = function (cssString) {
-	/**
-	 * Adds a new tab to the Array.
-	 *
-	 * @param {String} id the ID of the GUI element that will be displayed within the tab
-	 * @param {String} title the header of the tab
-	 * @param {Integer} height the height of the frame containing the GUI element
-	 */
-	this.addTab = function(id, title, height) {
-		var tab = new VerticalTab(id, title, height, tabWidth, tabHeight, tabStyle, this.count());
-		this.add(tab);
-		document.getElementById(id).style.visibility = 'hidden';
-		document.getElementById(id).style.display = 'none';
-		// append the new tab
-		rootNode.appendChild(this.get(-1).getNode());
-	};
-	/**
-	 * Removes a tab from the Array.
-	 *
-	 * @param {String} id the ID of the GUI element within the tab.
-	 */
-	this.delTab = function(id) {
-		var index = getIndexById(id);
-		if (index !== null) {
-			// delete the DOM node
-			rootNode.removeChild(this.get(index).getNode());
-			// delete the tab
-			this.del(index);
-			// move the other tabs (below the removed tab) up
-			for (var i = index; i < this.count(); i++) {
-				var currentNode = this.get(i).getNode();
-				// parseInt removes "px"
-				var currentTop = parseInt(currentNode.style.top, 10);
-				currentNode.style.top = currentTop - tabHeight;
-			}			
-		}
-	};
-	/**
-	 * Opens a tab specified by the module Id.
-	 *
-	 * @param {String} id the ID of the GUI element within the tab.
-	 */
-	this.toggleTab = function(id) {
-		// if no tab is currently opening or closing
-		if (isAnimationFinished()) {
-			for (var i=0; i < this.count(); i++) {
-				hideFrame(this.get(i).module);
-			}
-			// if the opened tab is the active tab, close it
-			if (id === activeTabId) {
-				closeTab(activeTabId);
-			}
-			//otherwise
-			else {
-				// show the desired tab
-		  	activeTabId = id;
-				startAnimation("open");
-			}
-		}
-		else {
-			var e = new Mb_warning("mod_tab.js: could not activate tab, opening or closing in progress!");
-		}
-	};
-	/**
-	 * Sets the titles of each single tab after l10n
-	 * 
-	 * @param {Object} obj an array containing objects with id and title
-	 */
-	this.setTitles = function (obj) {
-		for (var i = 0; i < this.count(); i++) {
-			for(var j=0; j<obj.length; j++){
-				if (this.get(i).module == obj[j].id) {
-					this.get(i).getNode().innerHTML = tabPrefix + obj[j].title;
-				}
-			}
-		}		
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Returns the absolute coordinates of tab by the module ID
-	 * 
-	 * @param {String} id the ID of the GUI element within the tab.
-	 * @return {String} String with "left,top,right,bottom"
-	 */
-	 this.getCoords = function(id) {
-	 	var coords=[];
-	 	//get indixes
-	 	if (activeTabId) {
-			var indexOfOpeningTab = getIndexById(activeTabId);
-		}
-		var index = getIndexById(id);
-	 	//left
-	 	coords[0] = tabLeftOffset;
-	 	//top
-	 	coords[1] = tabTopOffset + index*tabHeight + (activeTabId&&indexOfOpeningTab<index?this.get(indexOfOpeningTab).height:0);
-	 	//right
-	 	coords[2] = coords[0] + tabWidth;
-	 	//bottom
-	 	coords[3] = coords[1] + (id==activeTabId?this.get(indexOfOpeningTab).height+tabHeight:tabHeight);
-	 	return coords.join(",");
-	 };
-	/**
-	 * Animated opening and closing of the tab with the given id.
-	 * Needs to be public because it is called via "setInterval". 
-	 *
-	 * @param {String} openOrClose a string with the values "open" or "close".
-	 */
-	this.animate = function(openOrClose) {
-		for (var i=0; i < this.count(); i++) {
-			if (this.get(i).animationFinished === false) {
-				//The 'top' position of the i-th tab after the animation
-				var currentTabNewTop = i * tabHeight;
-				if (openOrClose == 'open') {
-					var indexOfOpeningTab = getIndexById(activeTabId);
-					// move the lower tabs down by the height of the opening tab
-					if (indexOfOpeningTab !== null && i > indexOfOpeningTab) {
-						currentTabNewTop += this.get(indexOfOpeningTab).height;
-					}
-				}	
-				//The current 'top' position of the i-th tab
-				//(parseInt removes 'px')
-				var currentTabCurrentTop = parseInt(this.get(i).getNode().style.top, 10);
-				// animation is finished
-				if (currentTabCurrentTop == currentTabNewTop) {
-					this.get(i).animationFinished = true;
-				}	
-				// animation not yet finished, move the tab down
-				else if (currentTabCurrentTop < currentTabNewTop) {
-					var pixel = Math.min(pixelPerIteration, currentTabNewTop - currentTabCurrentTop);
-					this.get(i).getNode().style.top = currentTabCurrentTop + pixel;
-				}
-				// animation not yet finished, move the tab up
-				else if (currentTabCurrentTop > currentTabNewTop) {
-					var pixel = Math.min(pixelPerIteration, currentTabCurrentTop - currentTabNewTop);
-					this.get(i).getNode().style.top = currentTabCurrentTop - pixel;
-				}
-				else {
-					var e = new Mb_exception("mod_tab.js: animate: unknown state for tab "+ i + " (currentTop: "+currentTabCurrentTop+", newTop:"+currentTabNewTop+")");
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		// check if the animation is finished
-		if (isAnimationFinished()) {
-			stopAnimation();
-			if (openOrClose == "open") {
-				showFrame(activeTabId);
-			}
-		}
-	};
-	/**
-	 * Returns the index of the vertical tab with a given id 
-	 *
-	 * @private
-	 * @param {String} id the ID of the GUI element within the tab.
-	 */
-	var getIndexById = function(id) {
-		for (var i = 0; i < that.count(); i++) {
-			if (that.get(i).module == id) {
-				return i;
-			}
-		}
-		var e = new Mb_exception("mod_tab.js: getIndexById: ID '"+id+"' not found.");
-		return null;
-	};
-	/**
-	 * Closes a tab.
-	 * 
-	 * @private
-	 * @param {String} id the ID of the GUI element within the tab.
-	 */
-	var closeTab = function(id) {
-		if (id !== null) {
-			hideFrame(id);
-			activeTabId = null;
-			startAnimation("close");
-		}		
-	};
-	/**
-	 * Opens a tab.
-	 *
-	 * @public
-	 * @param {String} id the ID of the GUI element within the tab.
-	 */
-	this.openTab = function(id) {
-		if (id !== null && activeTabId != id) {
-  		// if no tab is currently opening or closing
-  		if (isAnimationFinished()) {
-  			for (var i=0; i < this.count(); i++) {
-  				hideFrame(this.get(i).module);
-  			}
-  		}
-      activeTabId = id;
-    	startAnimation("open");
-		}
-	};
-	/**
-	 * Hides a frame within a tab (before closing the tab).
-	 *
-	 * @private
-	 * @param {String} id the ID of the GUI element within the tab.
-	 */
-	var hideFrame = function(id) {
-		var index = getIndexById(id);
-		if (index !== null) {
-			var obj = document.getElementById(id);
-			obj.style.visibility = 'hidden';
-			//try to apply for childs of horizontal tabs
-			try{
-				if(obj.tabs)
-					document.getElementById(obj.tabs[obj.activeTab].id).style.visibility = 'hidden';
-		}
-			catch(e){}
-		}
-	};
-	/**
-	 * Shows a frame within a tab (after opening the tab).
-	 *
-	 * @private
-	 * @param {String} id the ID of the GUI element within the tab.
-	 */
-	var showFrame = function(id) {
-		var index = getIndexById(id);
-		if (index !== null) {
-			var obj = document.getElementById(id);
-			var newpos = ((index+1) * tabHeight) + parseInt(tabTopOffset);
-			//try to apply for childs of horizontal tabs
-			try{
-				if(obj.tabs){
-					activeTab = document.getElementById(obj.tabs[obj.activeTab].id).style;
-					activeTab.visibility = 'visible';
-					activeTab.top = ((newpos + 1) + obj.tab_height) + "px";
-					activeTab.left = (tabLeftOffset) + "px";
-					activeTab.width = tabWidth;
-					activeTab.height = (parseInt(that.get(index).height) - 2) - obj.tab_height;
-				}
-			}
-			catch(e){}
-			obj=obj.style;
-			obj.top = (newpos + 1) + "px";
-			obj.left = (tabLeftOffset) + "px";
-			obj.width = tabWidth;
-			obj.height = (parseInt(that.get(index).height, 10) - 2);
-			obj.visibility = 'visible';
-			obj.display = 'block';
-		}
-	};
-	/**
-	 * Starts the animation of the opening and closing tabs
-	 *
-	 * @private
-	 * @param {String} openOrClose a string with the values "open" or "close".
-	 */
-	var startAnimation = function(openOrClose) {
-		for (var i = 0; i < that.count(); i++) {
-			that.get(i).animationFinished = false;
-		}
-		tabInterval = setInterval(function(){
-			tabs.animate(openOrClose);
-		},1);
-	};
-	/**
-	 * Checks if the animation of the opening and closing tabs is finished.
-	 *
-	 * @private
-	 */
-	var isAnimationFinished = function() {
-		for (var i = 0; i < that.count(); i ++) {
-			if (that.get(i).animationFinished === false) {
-				return false;
-			}
-		}
-		return true;
-	};
-	/**
-	 * Stops the animation of the opening and closing tabs
-	 *
-	 * @private
-	 */
-	var stopAnimation = function() {
-		clearInterval(tabInterval);		
-	};
-	this.list = [];
-	var that = this;
-	/**
-	 * The DOM node of the tab array.
-	 */
-	var rootNode = document.getElementById("tabs");
-	/**
-	 * The ID of the currently open tab. If no tab is open, the value is NULL
-	 */
-	var activeTabId = null;
-	/**
-	 * Number of pixel that a tab moves while opening or closing.
-	 * @private
-	 */
-	var pixelPerIteration = 20;
-	/**
-	 * Used for the 'setInterval' call of 'this.animate'
-	 */
-	var tabInterval;
-	var tabTopOffset = parseInt(rootNode.style.top, 10);
-	var tabLeftOffset = parseInt(rootNode.style.left, 10);
-	var tabWidth = parseInt(rootNode.style.width, 10);
-	var tabHeight = parseInt(rootNode.style.height, 10);
-	var tabStyle = cssString;
-	var tabPrefix = tab_prefix || '';
-	var styleObj = new StyleTag();
-	styleObj.addClass("verticalTabs", tabStyle);
-VerticalTabArray.prototype = new List();
+// check element vars
+	if (open_tab){
+		open_tab = Number(open_tab);
+		if (isNaN(open_tab)) {
+			var e = new Mb_warning("mod_tab.js: tab_init: open_tab must be a number or an empty string.");
+		}
+	}
+	var z = new Mb_warning("mod_tab.js: tab_init: open_tab is not set.");
+	open_tab = "";
+var tabs;
+eventLocalize.register(function () {
+	localizeTabs();
+eventInit.register(function () {
+	tab_init();
+	localizeTabs();
+function localizeTabs() {
+	mb_ajax_json("../php/mod_tab_messages.php", function(obj, status){
+		tabs.setTitles(obj);
+	});
+function tab_init(){
+	var obj = document.getElementById("tabs").style;
+	// generate a new tab array
+	tabs = new VerticalTabArray(tab_style);
+	// add the tabs from element vars
+	for (var i = 0; i < tab_ids.length; i++){
+		tabs.addTab(tab_ids[i], tab_prefix + tab_titles[i], tab_frameHeight[i]);
+	}
+	if (open_tab !== "") {
+		tabs.openTab(tabs.get(open_tab).module);
+	}
+function tab_open(elementName) {
+  // show the desired tab
+	tabs.openTab(elementName);
+ * @class A single vertical tab
+ * 
+ * @constructor
+ * @param {String} id the ID of the GUI element that will be displayed within the tab
+ * @param {String} title the header of the tab
+ * @param {Integer} frameHeight the height of the frame containing the GUI element
+ * @param {Integer} tabWidth the width of a tab (NOT the frame)
+ * @param {Integer} tabHeight the height of a tab (NOT the frame)
+ * @param {String} tabStyle A string with a CSS (example: position:absolute;visibility:visible;border: 1px solid white;font-size:12;color:#343434;background-color:#CFD2D4;cursor:pointer;)
+ * @param {Integer} number the index of the current tab in a {@link VerticalTabArray}.
+ */
+var VerticalTab = function (id, title, frameHeight, tabWidth, tabHeight, tabStyle, number) {
+	/**
+	 * Sets the attributes of the tabs DOM node.
+	 * 
+	 * @private
+	 * @param {String} title the header of the tab
+	 * @param {Integer} frameHeight the height of the frame containing the GUI element
+	 * @param {Integer} tabWidth the width of a tab (NOT the frame)
+	 * @param {Integer} tabHeight the height of a tab (NOT the frame)
+	 * @param {String} tabStyle A string with a CSS (example: position:absolute;visibility:visible;border: 1px solid white;font-size:12;color:#343434;background-color:#CFD2D4;cursor:pointer;)
+	 * @param {Integer} number the index of the current tab in a {@link VerticalTabArray}.
+	 * 
+	 */
+	var setNodeAttributes = function(title, frameHeight, tabWidth, tabHeight, tabStyle, number) {
+		node.id = "tabs_" + that.module;
+		//set css class
+		node.className = "verticalTabs";
+		//mandatory style entries
+		node.style.position = "absolute";
+		node.style.width = tabWidth;
+		node.style.height = tabHeight;
+		node.style.top = number * tabHeight;
+		// open or close on click
+		// see http://www.mapbender.org/index.php/Add_events_via_DOM_in_IE_and_FF
+		if ($.browser.msie) {
+		   node.onclick = function() {
+		      tabs.toggleTab(that.module);
+		   };
+		}
+		else {
+			node.onclick = function(){
+				tabs.toggleTab(that.module);
+			};
+		}
+		// tab header
+		node.innerHTML = title;
+	};
+	/**
+	 * Returns the DOM node of this tab.
+	 *
+	 * @return the DOM node of this tab.
+	 * @type DOMNode
+	 */
+	this.getNode = function() {
+		return node;
+	};
+	/**
+	 * The ID of the GUI element that will be displayed within the tab.
+	 */
+	this.module = id;
+	/**
+	 * The height of the frame containing the GUI element.
+	 */
+	this.height = frameHeight;
+	/**
+	 * While a tab is opened or closed, the value is false.
+	 */
+	this.animationFinished = true;
+	/**
+	 * The DOM node of this tab.
+	 *
+	 * @private
+	 */
+	var node = document.createElement("div");
+	var that = this;
+	setNodeAttributes(title, frameHeight, tabWidth, tabHeight, tabStyle, number);
+ * An array of vertical tabs, behaving like an accordion
+ *
+ * @extends List
+ * @param {String} cssString A string with a CSS (example: position:absolute;visibility:visible;border: 1px solid white;font-size:12;color:#343434;background-color:#CFD2D4;cursor:pointer;)
+ */	
+var VerticalTabArray = function (cssString) {
+	/**
+	 * Adds a new tab to the Array.
+	 *
+	 * @param {String} id the ID of the GUI element that will be displayed within the tab
+	 * @param {String} title the header of the tab
+	 * @param {Integer} height the height of the frame containing the GUI element
+	 */
+	this.addTab = function(id, title, height) {
+		var tab = new VerticalTab(id, title, height, tabWidth, tabHeight, tabStyle, this.count());
+		this.add(tab);
+		document.getElementById(id).style.visibility = 'hidden';
+		document.getElementById(id).style.display = 'none';
+		// append the new tab
+		rootNode.appendChild(this.get(-1).getNode());
+	};
+	/**
+	 * Removes a tab from the Array.
+	 *
+	 * @param {String} id the ID of the GUI element within the tab.
+	 */
+	this.delTab = function(id) {
+		var index = getIndexById(id);
+		if (index !== null) {
+			// delete the DOM node
+			rootNode.removeChild(this.get(index).getNode());
+			// delete the tab
+			this.del(index);
+			// move the other tabs (below the removed tab) up
+			for (var i = index; i < this.count(); i++) {
+				var currentNode = this.get(i).getNode();
+				// parseInt removes "px"
+				var currentTop = parseInt(currentNode.style.top, 10);
+				currentNode.style.top = currentTop - tabHeight;
+			}			
+		}
+	};
+	/**
+	 * Opens a tab specified by the module Id.
+	 *
+	 * @param {String} id the ID of the GUI element within the tab.
+	 */
+	this.toggleTab = function(id) {
+		// if no tab is currently opening or closing
+		if (isAnimationFinished()) {
+			for (var i=0; i < this.count(); i++) {
+				hideFrame(this.get(i).module);
+			}
+			// if the opened tab is the active tab, close it
+			if (id === activeTabId) {
+				closeTab(activeTabId);
+			}
+			//otherwise
+			else {
+				// show the desired tab
+		  	activeTabId = id;
+				startAnimation("open");
+			}
+		}
+		else {
+			var e = new Mb_warning("mod_tab.js: could not activate tab, opening or closing in progress!");
+		}
+	};
+	/**
+	 * Sets the titles of each single tab after l10n
+	 * 
+	 * @param {Object} obj an array containing objects with id and title
+	 */
+	this.setTitles = function (obj) {
+		for (var i = 0; i < this.count(); i++) {
+			for(var j=0; j<obj.length; j++){
+				if (this.get(i).module == obj[j].id) {
+					this.get(i).getNode().innerHTML = tabPrefix + obj[j].title;
+				}
+			}
+		}		
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Returns the absolute coordinates of tab by the module ID
+	 * 
+	 * @param {String} id the ID of the GUI element within the tab.
+	 * @return {String} String with "left,top,right,bottom"
+	 */
+	 this.getCoords = function(id) {
+	 	var coords=[];
+	 	//get indixes
+	 	if (activeTabId) {
+			var indexOfOpeningTab = getIndexById(activeTabId);
+		}
+		var index = getIndexById(id);
+	 	//left
+	 	coords[0] = tabLeftOffset;
+	 	//top
+	 	coords[1] = tabTopOffset + index*tabHeight + (activeTabId&&indexOfOpeningTab<index?this.get(indexOfOpeningTab).height:0);
+	 	//right
+	 	coords[2] = coords[0] + tabWidth;
+	 	//bottom
+	 	coords[3] = coords[1] + (id==activeTabId?this.get(indexOfOpeningTab).height+tabHeight:tabHeight);
+	 	return coords.join(",");
+	 };
+	/**
+	 * Animated opening and closing of the tab with the given id.
+	 * Needs to be public because it is called via "setInterval". 
+	 *
+	 * @param {String} openOrClose a string with the values "open" or "close".
+	 */
+	this.animate = function(openOrClose) {
+		for (var i=0; i < this.count(); i++) {
+			if (this.get(i).animationFinished === false) {
+				//The 'top' position of the i-th tab after the animation
+				var currentTabNewTop = i * tabHeight;
+				if (openOrClose == 'open') {
+					var indexOfOpeningTab = getIndexById(activeTabId);
+					// move the lower tabs down by the height of the opening tab
+					if (indexOfOpeningTab !== null && i > indexOfOpeningTab) {
+						currentTabNewTop += this.get(indexOfOpeningTab).height;
+					}
+				}	
+				//The current 'top' position of the i-th tab
+				//(parseInt removes 'px')
+				var currentTabCurrentTop = parseInt(this.get(i).getNode().style.top, 10);
+				// animation is finished
+				if (currentTabCurrentTop == currentTabNewTop) {
+					this.get(i).animationFinished = true;
+				}	
+				// animation not yet finished, move the tab down
+				else if (currentTabCurrentTop < currentTabNewTop) {
+					var pixel = Math.min(pixelPerIteration, currentTabNewTop - currentTabCurrentTop);
+					this.get(i).getNode().style.top = currentTabCurrentTop + pixel;
+				}
+				// animation not yet finished, move the tab up
+				else if (currentTabCurrentTop > currentTabNewTop) {
+					var pixel = Math.min(pixelPerIteration, currentTabCurrentTop - currentTabNewTop);
+					this.get(i).getNode().style.top = currentTabCurrentTop - pixel;
+				}
+				else {
+					var e = new Mb_exception("mod_tab.js: animate: unknown state for tab "+ i + " (currentTop: "+currentTabCurrentTop+", newTop:"+currentTabNewTop+")");
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		// check if the animation is finished
+		if (isAnimationFinished()) {
+			stopAnimation();
+			if (openOrClose == "open") {
+				showFrame(activeTabId);
+			}
+		}
+	};
+	/**
+	 * Returns the index of the vertical tab with a given id 
+	 *
+	 * @private
+	 * @param {String} id the ID of the GUI element within the tab.
+	 */
+	var getIndexById = function(id) {
+		for (var i = 0; i < that.count(); i++) {
+			if (that.get(i).module == id) {
+				return i;
+			}
+		}
+		var e = new Mb_exception("mod_tab.js: getIndexById: ID '"+id+"' not found.");
+		return null;
+	};
+	/**
+	 * Closes a tab.
+	 * 
+	 * @private
+	 * @param {String} id the ID of the GUI element within the tab.
+	 */
+	var closeTab = function(id) {
+		if (id !== null) {
+			hideFrame(id);
+			activeTabId = null;
+			startAnimation("close");
+		}		
+	};
+	/**
+	 * Opens a tab.
+	 *
+	 * @public
+	 * @param {String} id the ID of the GUI element within the tab.
+	 */
+	this.openTab = function(id) {
+		if (id !== null && activeTabId != id) {
+  		// if no tab is currently opening or closing
+  		if (isAnimationFinished()) {
+  			for (var i=0; i < this.count(); i++) {
+  				hideFrame(this.get(i).module);
+  			}
+  		}
+      activeTabId = id;
+    	startAnimation("open");
+		}
+	};
+	/**
+	 * Hides a frame within a tab (before closing the tab).
+	 *
+	 * @private
+	 * @param {String} id the ID of the GUI element within the tab.
+	 */
+	var hideFrame = function(id) {
+		var index = getIndexById(id);
+		if (index !== null) {
+			var obj = document.getElementById(id);
+			obj.style.visibility = 'hidden';
+			//try to apply for childs of horizontal tabs
+			try{
+				if(obj.tabs)
+					document.getElementById(obj.tabs[obj.activeTab].id).style.visibility = 'hidden';
+		}
+			catch(e){}
+		}
+	};
+	/**
+	 * Shows a frame within a tab (after opening the tab).
+	 *
+	 * @private
+	 * @param {String} id the ID of the GUI element within the tab.
+	 */
+	var showFrame = function(id) {
+		var index = getIndexById(id);
+		if (index !== null) {
+			var obj = document.getElementById(id);
+			var newpos = ((index+1) * tabHeight) + parseInt(tabTopOffset);
+			//try to apply for childs of horizontal tabs
+			try{
+				if(obj.tabs){
+					activeTab = document.getElementById(obj.tabs[obj.activeTab].id).style;
+					activeTab.visibility = 'visible';
+					activeTab.top = ((newpos + 1) + obj.tab_height) + "px";
+					activeTab.left = (tabLeftOffset) + "px";
+					activeTab.width = tabWidth;
+					activeTab.height = (parseInt(that.get(index).height) - 2) - obj.tab_height;
+				}
+			}
+			catch(e){}
+			obj=obj.style;
+			obj.top = (newpos + 1) + "px";
+			obj.left = (tabLeftOffset) + "px";
+			obj.width = tabWidth;
+			obj.height = (parseInt(that.get(index).height, 10) - 2);
+			obj.visibility = 'visible';
+			obj.display = 'block';
+		}
+	};
+	/**
+	 * Starts the animation of the opening and closing tabs
+	 *
+	 * @private
+	 * @param {String} openOrClose a string with the values "open" or "close".
+	 */
+	var startAnimation = function(openOrClose) {
+		for (var i = 0; i < that.count(); i++) {
+			that.get(i).animationFinished = false;
+		}
+		tabInterval = setInterval(function(){
+			tabs.animate(openOrClose);
+		},1);
+	};
+	/**
+	 * Checks if the animation of the opening and closing tabs is finished.
+	 *
+	 * @private
+	 */
+	var isAnimationFinished = function() {
+		for (var i = 0; i < that.count(); i ++) {
+			if (that.get(i).animationFinished === false) {
+				return false;
+			}
+		}
+		return true;
+	};
+	/**
+	 * Stops the animation of the opening and closing tabs
+	 *
+	 * @private
+	 */
+	var stopAnimation = function() {
+		clearInterval(tabInterval);		
+	};
+	this.list = [];
+	var that = this;
+	/**
+	 * The DOM node of the tab array.
+	 */
+	var rootNode = document.getElementById("tabs");
+	/**
+	 * The ID of the currently open tab. If no tab is open, the value is NULL
+	 */
+	var activeTabId = null;
+	/**
+	 * Number of pixel that a tab moves while opening or closing.
+	 * @private
+	 */
+	var pixelPerIteration = 20;
+	/**
+	 * Used for the 'setInterval' call of 'this.animate'
+	 */
+	var tabInterval;
+	var tabTopOffset = parseInt(rootNode.style.top, 10);
+	var tabLeftOffset = parseInt(rootNode.style.left, 10);
+	var tabWidth = parseInt(rootNode.style.width, 10);
+	var tabHeight = parseInt(rootNode.style.height, 10);
+	var tabStyle = cssString;
+	var tabPrefix = tab_prefix || '';
+	var styleObj = new StyleTag();
+	styleObj.addClass("verticalTabs", tabStyle);
+VerticalTabArray.prototype = new List();

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