[Mapbender-commits] r8473 - trunk/mapbender/http/php

svn_mapbender at osgeo.org svn_mapbender at osgeo.org
Tue Aug 28 08:18:55 PDT 2012

Author: armin11
Date: 2012-08-28 08:18:54 -0700 (Tue, 28 Aug 2012)
New Revision: 8473

Bugfix in calculating the bbox for wfs sources

Modified: trunk/mapbender/http/php/mod_inspireDownloadFeed.php
--- trunk/mapbender/http/php/mod_inspireDownloadFeed.php	2012-08-28 10:41:45 UTC (rev 8472)
+++ trunk/mapbender/http/php/mod_inspireDownloadFeed.php	2012-08-28 15:18:54 UTC (rev 8473)
@@ -609,7 +609,6 @@
 				$gHLink = $mapbenderMetadata[$i]->wfs_getfeature."SERVICE=WFS&REQUEST=GetFeature&VERSION=";
 				$gHLink .= $mapbenderMetadata[$i]->wfs_version."&typeName=";
 				$gHLink .= $mapbenderMetadata[$i]->featuretype_name."&resultType=hits";
-				//echo $gHLink;
 				$startRequestTime = time();
 				$hitConnector = new connector($gHLink);
 				$hitXml = $hitConnector->file;
@@ -617,7 +616,6 @@
 				$endRequestTime = time();
 				$diffTime = $endRequestTime-$startRequestTime;
 				$e = new mb_notice("Time for counting objects of featuretype ".$mapbenderMetadata[$i]->featuretype_name." : ".$diffTime." seconds!");
-				//$e = new mb_exception($hitXml);
 				//parse hits
 				try {
 					$featureTypeHits =  new SimpleXMLElement($hitXml);
@@ -631,18 +629,10 @@
 				$hits = $featureTypeHits->xpath('/wfs:FeatureCollection/@numberOfFeatures');
 				$featureHits[$i] = (integer)$hits[0];
 				$e = new mb_notice($featureHits[$i]." hits for featuretype ".$mapbenderMetadata[$i]->featuretype_name);
-				//$e = new mb_exception($featureHits[$i]);
 				//calculate further bboxes if the # of hits extents some value
 				//minimum number of single tiles:
 				$countTiles = ceil($featureHits[$i]/$maxFeatureCount);
-				//echo $countTiles;
-				//echo $maxFeatureCount;
-				//$e = new mb_exception($countTiles);
 				//calculate number of rows and columns from x / y ratio
 				$sqlMinx = "SELECT X(transform(GeometryFromText('POINT(".$mapbenderMetadata[$i]->minx." ".$mapbenderMetadata[$i]->miny.")',4326),".$epsgId[1].")) as minx";
 				$resMinx = db_query($sqlMinx);
 				$minx = floatval(db_result($resMinx,0,"minx"));
@@ -658,46 +648,44 @@
 				$sqlMaxy = "SELECT Y(transform(GeometryFromText('POINT(".$mapbenderMetadata[$i]->maxx." ".$mapbenderMetadata[$i]->maxy.")',4326),".$epsgId[1].")) as maxy";
 				$resMaxy = db_query($sqlMaxy);
 				$maxy = floatval(db_result($resMaxy,0,"maxy"));
-				$diffX = $maxx - $minx; //in m - depends on given epsg code
-				$diffY = $maxy - $miny;	//in m
-				$e = new mb_notice($diffX);
-				$e = new mb_notice($diffY);
-				$width = ceil(sqrt(($diffX * $diffY) / $countTiles));
-				$e = new mb_notice($width);
-				$nRows = ceil($diffY / $width);
-				$nCols = ceil($diffX / $width);
-				$bboxWfs = array();
-				$countBbox = 0;
-				/*echo $diffXPx.":".$diffYPx.",";
-				echo $nRows.":".$nCols.",";
-				echo $minx.":".$miny.",";
-				echo $maxx.":".$maxy.",";*/
-				for ($j = 0; $j < $nRows; $j++) {
-					for ($k = 0; $k < $nCols; $k++) {
-						//echo "j: ".$k.",k: ".$j;
-						$minxWfs = $minx + $k * $width;
-						//echo "minxWms: ". $minxWms .",";
-						$minyWfs = $miny + $j * $width;
-						//echo "minyWms: ". $minyWms .",";
-						$maxxWfs = $minx + ($k+1) * $width;
-						//echo "maxxWms: ". $maxxWms .",";
-						$maxyWfs = $miny + ($j+1) * $width;
-						//echo "maxyWms: ". $maxyWms .",";
-						$bboxWfs[$mapbenderMetadata[$i]->featuretype_name][$countBbox] = $minxWfs.",".$minyWfs.",".$maxxWfs.",".$maxyWfs;
-						//transform bbox back to geographic coordinates
-						$lonLatBbox = transformBbox($minxWfs.",".$minyWfs.",".$maxxWfs.",".$maxyWfs,intval($epsgId[1]),4326);
-						$lonLatBbox = explode(',',$lonLatBbox);
-						//georss needs latitude longitude
-						$featureTypeBboxWGS84[] = $lonLatBbox[1].",".$lonLatBbox[0].",".$lonLatBbox[3].",".$lonLatBbox[2];
-						//switch bbox to lat/lon cause inspire demands ist
-						//$e = new mb_exception($test);
-						$countBbox++;	
+				//only calculate new boxes if countTiles > 1
+				if ($countTiles > 1) {
+					$diffX = $maxx - $minx; //in m - depends on given epsg code
+					$diffY = $maxy - $miny;	//in m
+					$width = ceil(sqrt(($diffX * $diffY) / $countTiles));
+					$nRows = ceil($diffY / $width);
+					$nCols = ceil($diffX / $width);
+					$bboxWfs = array();
+					$countBbox = 0;
+					for ($j = 0; $j < $nRows; $j++) {
+						for ($k = 0; $k < $nCols; $k++) {
+							//echo "j: ".$k.",k: ".$j;
+							$minxWfs = $minx + $k * $width;
+							//echo "minxWms: ". $minxWms .",";
+							$minyWfs = $miny + $j * $width;
+							//echo "minyWms: ". $minyWms .",";
+							$maxxWfs = $minx + ($k+1) * $width;
+							//echo "maxxWms: ". $maxxWms .",";
+							$maxyWfs = $miny + ($j+1) * $width;
+							//echo "maxyWms: ". $maxyWms .",";
+							$bboxWfs[$mapbenderMetadata[$i]->featuretype_name][$countBbox] = $minxWfs.",".$minyWfs.",".$maxxWfs.",".$maxyWfs;
+							//transform bbox back to geographic coordinates
+							$lonLatBbox = transformBbox($minxWfs.",".$minyWfs.",".$maxxWfs.",".$maxyWfs,intval($epsgId[1]),4326);
+							$lonLatBbox = explode(',',$lonLatBbox);
+							//georss needs latitude longitude
+							$featureTypeBboxWGS84[] = $lonLatBbox[1].",".$lonLatBbox[0].",".$lonLatBbox[3].",".$lonLatBbox[2];
+							//switch bbox to lat/lon cause inspire demands ist
+							$countBbox++;	
+						}
+				} else {
+					//only normal extent used
+					$bboxWfs[$mapbenderMetadata[$i]->featuretype_name][0] = $minx.",".$miny.",".$maxx.",".$maxy;
+					//transform bbox back to geographic coordinates
+					$lonLatBbox = transformBbox($minx.",".$miny.",".$maxx.",".$maxy,intval($epsgId[1]),4326);
+					$lonLatBbox = explode(',',$lonLatBbox);
+					//georss needs latitude longitude
+					$featureTypeBboxWGS84[] = $lonLatBbox[1].",".$lonLatBbox[0].",".$lonLatBbox[3].",".$lonLatBbox[2];		
 				//$getFeatureLink = array();
 				/*TODO for ($i = 0; $i < $countRessource-1; $i++) {

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