[Mapbender-commits] r8429 - trunk/mapbender/http/classes

svn_mapbender at osgeo.org svn_mapbender at osgeo.org
Fri Jul 6 02:55:35 PDT 2012

Author: armin11
Date: 2012-07-06 02:55:35 -0700 (Fri, 06 Jul 2012)
New Revision: 8429

Bugfix for metadataurl handling

Modified: trunk/mapbender/http/classes/class_iso19139.php
--- trunk/mapbender/http/classes/class_iso19139.php	2012-07-06 09:54:57 UTC (rev 8428)
+++ trunk/mapbender/http/classes/class_iso19139.php	2012-07-06 09:55:35 UTC (rev 8429)
@@ -108,18 +108,19 @@
 			$iso19139Xml = simplexml_load_string($this->metadata);
 			if ($iso19139Xml === false) {
 				foreach(libxml_get_errors() as $error) {
-        				$err = new mb_exception($error->message);
+        				$err = new mb_exception("class_Iso19139:".$error->message);
-				throw new Exception('Cannot parse Metadata XML!');
+				throw new Exception("class_Iso19139:".'Cannot parse Metadata XML!');
 				return false;
 		catch (Exception $e) {
-    			$err = new mb_exception($e->getMessage());
+    			$err = new mb_exception("class_Iso19139:".$e->getMessage());
 			return false;
 		//if parsing was successful
 		if ($iso19139Xml != false) {
+			//add namespaces to xml if not given - how? - it is to late now - maybe they were given in the csw tag!
 			$e = new mb_exception("Parsing of xml metadata file was successfull"); 
 			$this->fileIdentifier = $iso19139Xml->xpath('/gmd:MD_Metadata/gmd:fileIdentifier/gco:CharacterString');
 			$this->fileIdentifier = $this->fileIdentifier[0];
@@ -189,7 +190,353 @@
 		$mbMetadata = $this->createMapbenderMetadataFromXML($xml);
 		return $mbMetadata;
+	public function readFromUrl($url){
+		$this->href = $url;
+		$metadataConnector = new connector($url);
+		$metadataConnector->set("timeOut", "10");
+		$xml = $metadataConnector->file;
+		$this->metadata = $xml;
+	}
+	public function transformToHtml($layout,$languageCode){
+		//TODO!
+		//$this->metadata = $this->removeGetRecordTag($this->metadata);
+		libxml_use_internal_errors(true);
+		try {
+			$iso19139Xml = simplexml_load_string($this->metadata);
+			if ($iso19139Xml === false) {
+				foreach(libxml_get_errors() as $error) {
+        				$err = new mb_exception("class_Iso19139:".$error->message);
+    				}
+				throw new Exception("class_Iso19139:".'Cannot parse Metadata XML!');
+				return "error";
+			}
+		}
+		catch (Exception $e) {
+    			$err = new mb_exception("class_Iso19139:".$e->getMessage());
+			return "error";
+		}
+		//if parsing was successful
+		if ($iso19139Xml != false) {
+			return "ok";/*
+			$e = new mb_exception("Parsing of xml metadata file was successfull");
+			//register namespaces for parsing content
+			$iso19139Xml->registerXPathNamespace("csw", "http://www.opengis.net/cat/csw/2.0.2");
+			$iso19139Xml->registerXPathNamespace("gml", "http://www.opengis.net/gml");
+			$iso19139Xml->registerXPathNamespace("gco", "http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gco");
+			$iso19139Xml->registerXPathNamespace("gmd", "http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmd");
+			$iso19139Xml->registerXPathNamespace("gts", "http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gts");
+			$iso19139Xml->registerXPathNamespace("srv", "http://www.isotc211.org/2005/srv");
+			$iso19139Xml->registerXPathNamespace("xlink", "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink");
+			require_once(dirname(__FILE__)."/../../conf/isoMetadata.conf");
+			for($a = 0; $a < count($iso19139Hash); $a++) {
+				//TODO delete csw:... from following - only parse the metadata record itself
+				$resultOfXpath = $iso19139Xml->xpath('/csw:GetRecordByIdResponse'.$iso19139Hash[$a]['iso19139']);
+				for ($i = 0; $i < count($resultOfXpath); $i++) {
+					$iso19139Hash[$a]['value'] = $iso19139Hash[$a]['value'].",".$resultOfXpath[$i];
+				}
+				$iso19139Hash[$a]['value'] = ltrim($iso19139Hash[$a]['value'],',');
+			}
+			//generate html
+			$html = '<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="'.$languageCode.'">';
+			$html .= '<body>';
+			$metadataStr .= '<head>' . 
+				'<title>'._mb("Metadata").'</title>' . 
+				'<meta name="description" content="'._mb("Metadata").'" xml:lang="'.$languageCode.'" />'.
+				'<meta name="keywords" content="'._mb("Metadata").'" xml:lang="'.$languageCode.'" />'	.	
+				'<meta http-equiv="cache-control" content="no-cache">'.
+				'<meta http-equiv="pragma" content="no-cache">'.
+				'<meta http-equiv="expires" content="0">'.
+				'<meta http-equiv="content-language" content="'.$languageCode.'" />'.
+				'<meta http-equiv="content-style-type" content="text/css" />'.
+				'<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset='.CHARSET.'">' . 	
+				'</head>';
+			$html .= $metadataStr;
+			//define the javascripts to include
+			$html .= '<link type="text/css" href="../css/metadata.css" rel="Stylesheet" />';
+			if ($layout == 'tabs') {
+				$html .= '<link type="text/css" href="../extensions/jquery-ui-1.8.1.custom/css/custom-theme/jquery-ui-1.8.5.custom.css" rel="Stylesheet" />';	
+				$html .= '<script type="text/javascript" src="../extensions/jquery-ui-1.8.1.custom/js/jquery-1.4.2.min.js"></script>';
+				$html .= '<script type="text/javascript" src="../extensions/jquery-ui-1.8.1.custom/js/jquery-ui-1.8.1.custom.min.js"></script>';
+				//initialize tabs
+				$html .= '<script type="text/javascript">';
+				$html .= '$(function() {';
+				$html .= '	$("#tabs").tabs();';
+				$html .= '});';
+				$html .= '</script>';
+				//independently define the headers of the parts
+				$html .= '<div class="demo">';
+				$html .= '<div id="tabs">';
+				$html .= '<ul>';
+				$html .= 	'<li><a href="#tabs-1">'._mb("Overview").'</a></li>';
+				$html .= 	'<li><a href="#tabs-2">'._mb("Properties").'</a></li>';
+				$html .= 	'<li><a href="#tabs-3">'._mb("Contact").'</a></li>';
+				$html .= 	'<li><a href="#tabs-4">'._mb("Terms of use").'</a></li>';
+				$html .= 	'<li><a href="#tabs-5">'._mb("Quality").'</a></li>';
+				$html .= 	'<li><a href="#tabs-6">'._mb("Interfaces").'</a></li>';
+				$html .= '</ul>';
+			}
+			if ($layout == 'accordion') {
+				$html .= '<link type="text/css" href="../extensions/jquery-ui-1.8.1.custom/css/custom-theme/jquery-ui-1.8.4.custom.css" rel="Stylesheet" />';	
+				$html .= '<script type="text/javascript" src="../extensions/jquery-ui-1.8.1.custom/js/jquery-1.4.2.min.js"></script>';
+				$html .= '<script type="text/javascript" src="../extensions/jquery-ui-1.8.1.custom/js/jquery-ui-1.8.1.custom.min.js"></script>';
+				//define the javascript functions
+				$html .= '<script type="text/javascript">';
+				$html .= '	$(function() {';
+				$html .= '		$("#accordion").accordion();';
+				//$html .= '		$("#accordion").accordion({ autoHeight: false});';
+				//$html .= '		$("#accordion").accordion({ autoHeight: false , clearStyle: true });';
+				$html .= '	});';
+				$html .= '	</script>';
+				$html .= '<div class="demo">';
+				$html .= '<div id="accordion">';
+			}
+			if ($layout == 'plain') {
+				$html .= '<div class="demo">';
+				$html .= '<div id="plain">';
+			}
+			//some placeholders
+			$tableBegin =  "<table>\n";
+			$t_a = "\t<tr>\n\t\t<th>\n\t\t\t";
+			$t_b = "\n\t\t</th>\n\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t";
+			$t_c = "\n\t\t</td>\n\t</tr>\n";
+			$tableEnd = "</table>\n";
+			//**************************overview part begin******************************
+			//generate div tags for the content - the divs are defined in the array
+			if ($layout == 'accordion') {
+				$html .= '<h3><a href="#">'._mb("Overview").'</a></h3>';
+				$html .= '<div style="height:300px">';
+			}
+			if ($layout == 'tabs') {
+				$html .= '<div id="tabs-1">';
+			}
+			if ($layout == 'plain') {
+				$html .= '<h3>'._mb("overview").'</h3>';
+				$html .= '<div>';
+			}
+			$html .= '<p>';
+			$html .= '<fieldset><legend>'._mb("Metadata").'</legend>';
+			$html .= $tableBegin;
+			$html .= $t_a."<b>".$iso19139Hash[0]['html']."</b>: ".$t_b.$iso19139Hash[0]['value'].$t_c;
+			$html .= $t_a."<b>".$iso19139Hash[31]['html']."</b>: ".$t_b.$iso19139Hash[31]['value'].$t_c;
+			$html .= $t_a."<b>".$iso19139Hash[32]['html']."</b>: ".$t_b.$iso19139Hash[32]['value'].$t_c;
+			$html .= $tableEnd;
+			$html .= '</fieldset>';
+			$html .= '<fieldset><legend>'._mb("Identification").'</legend>';
+			$html .= $tableBegin;
+			$html .= $t_a."<b>".$iso19139Hash[1]['html']."</b>: ".$t_b.$iso19139Hash[1]['value'].$t_c;
+			$html .= $t_a."<b>".$iso19139Hash[2]['html']."</b>: ".$t_b.$iso19139Hash[2]['value'].$t_c;
+			$html .= $t_a."<b>".$iso19139Hash[3]['html']."</b>: ".$t_b.$iso19139Hash[3]['value'].$t_c;
+			if ($iso19139Hash[36]['value'] != "") {
+				$html .= $t_a."<b>".$iso19139Hash[36]['html']."</b>: ".$t_b."<img width=120 height=120 src = '".$iso19139Hash[36]['value']."'>".$t_c;//preview
+			}
+			$html .= $t_a."<b>".$iso19139Hash[5]['html']."</b>: ".$t_b.$iso19139Hash[5]['value'].$t_c;
+			$html .= $t_a."<b>".$iso19139Hash[6]['html']."</b>: ".$t_b.$iso19139Hash[6]['value'].$t_c;
+			$html .= $t_a."<b>".$iso19139Hash[26]['html']."</b>: ".$t_b.$iso19139Hash[26]['value'].$t_c;
+			$html .= $t_a."<b>".$iso19139Hash[27]['html']."</b>: ".$t_b.$iso19139Hash[27]['value'].$t_c;
+			$html .= $tableEnd;
+			$html .= '</fieldset>';
+			$bbox = explode(',',$iso19139Hash[12]['value']);
+			if (count($bbox) == 4) {
+				$wgs84Bbox = $bbox[0].",".$bbox[2].",".$bbox[1].",".$bbox[3];
+				$getMapUrl = getExtentGraphic(explode(",", $wgs84Bbox));
+				$html .= '<fieldset><legend>'._mb("Extent").'</legend>';
+				if (defined('EXTENTSERVICEURL')) {
+					$html .= "<img src='".$getMapUrl."'>";
+				} else {
+					$html .= _mb('Graphic unavailable');
+				}
+				$html .= '</fieldset>';	
+			}
+			$html .= '<fieldset><legend>'._mb("Contact").'</legend>';
+			$html .= $tableBegin;
+			$html .= $t_a."<b>".$iso19139Hash[26]['html']."</b>: ".$t_b.$iso19139Hash[26]['value'].$t_c;
+			$html .= $t_a."<b>".$iso19139Hash[27]['html']."</b>: ".$t_b.$iso19139Hash[27]['value'].$t_c;
+			$html .= $tableEnd;
+			$html .= '</fieldset>';
+			$html .= '</p>';
+			$html .= '</div>';//element
+			//***************************************************************************
+			//**************************properties part begin******************************
+			//generate div tags for the content - the divs are defined in the array
+			if ($layout == 'accordion') {
+				$html .= '<h3><a href="#">'._mb("Properties").'</a></h3>';
+				$html .= '<div style="height:300px">';
+			}
+			if ($layout == 'tabs') {
+				$html .= '<div id="tabs-2">';
+			}
+			if ($layout == 'plain') {
+				$html .= '<h3>'._mb("Properties").'</h3>';
+				$html .= '<div>';
+			}
+			$html .= '<p>';
+			$html .= '<fieldset><legend>'._mb("Common").'</legend>';
+			$html .= $tableBegin;
+			$html .= $t_a."<b>".$iso19139Hash[8]['html']."</b>: ".$t_b.$iso19139Hash[8]['value'].$t_c;
+			$html .= $t_a."<b>".$iso19139Hash[9]['html']."</b>: ".$t_b.$iso19139Hash[9]['value'].$t_c;
+			$html .= $t_a."<b>".$iso19139Hash[11]['html']."</b>: ".$t_b.$iso19139Hash[11]['value'].$t_c;
+			$html .= $tableEnd;
+			$html .= '</fieldset>';
+			$html .= '<fieldset><legend>'._mb("Geographic extent").'</legend>';
+			$html .= $tableBegin;
+			$html .= $t_a."<b>".$iso19139Hash[33]['html']."</b>: ".$t_b.$iso19139Hash[33]['value'].$t_c;
+			$html .= $t_a."<b>".$iso19139Hash[12]['html']."</b>: ".$t_b.$iso19139Hash[12]['value'].$t_c;
+			$html .= $tableEnd;
+			$html .= '</fieldset>';
+			$html .= '<fieldset><legend>'._mb("Temporal extent").'</legend>';
+			$html .= $tableBegin;
+			$html .= $t_a."<b>".$iso19139Hash[13]['html']."</b>: ".$t_b.$iso19139Hash[13]['value'].$t_c;
+			$html .= $t_a."<b>".$iso19139Hash[14]['html']."</b>: ".$t_b.$iso19139Hash[14]['value'].$t_c;
+			$html .= $t_a."<b>".$iso19139Hash[15]['html']."</b>: ".$t_b.$iso19139Hash[15]['value'].$t_c;
+			$html .= $t_a."<b>".$iso19139Hash[16]['html']."</b>: ".$t_b.$iso19139Hash[16]['value'].$t_c;
+			$html .= $tableEnd;
+			$html .= '</fieldset>';
+			$html .= '<fieldset><legend>'._mb("Format").'</legend>';
+			$html .= $tableBegin;
+			$html .= $t_a."<b>".$iso19139Hash[34]['html']."</b>: ".$t_b.$iso19139Hash[34]['value'].$t_c;
+			$html .= $t_a."<b>".$iso19139Hash[35]['html']."</b>: ".$t_b.$iso19139Hash[35]['value'].$t_c;
+			$html .= $tableEnd;
+			$html .= '</fieldset>';
+			$html .= '<fieldset><legend>'._mb("Service information").'</legend>';
+			$html .= $tableBegin;
+			$html .= $t_a."<b>".$iso19139Hash[10]['html']."</b>: ".$t_b.$iso19139Hash[10]['value'].$t_c;
+			$html .= $t_a."<b>".$iso19139Hash[7]['html']."</b>: ".$t_b.$iso19139Hash[7]['value'].$t_c;
+			$html .= $tableEnd;
+			$html .= '</fieldset>';
+			$html .= '</p>';
+			$html .= '</div>';//element
+			//***************************************************************************
+			//**************************contact part begin******************************
+			//generate div tags for the content - the divs are defined in the array
+			if ($layout == 'accordion') {
+				$html .= '<h3><a href="#">'._mb("Properties").'</a></h3>';
+				$html .= '<div style="height:300px">';
+			}
+			if ($layout == 'tabs') {
+				$html .= '<div id="tabs-3">';
+			}
+			if ($layout == 'plain') {
+				$html .= '<h3>'._mb("Properties").'</h3>';
+				$html .= '<div>';
+			}
+			$html .= '<p>';
+			$html .= '<fieldset><legend>'._mb("Data/Service provider").'</legend>';
+			$html .= $tableBegin;
+			$html .= $t_a."<b>".$iso19139Hash[26]['html']."</b>: ".$t_b.$iso19139Hash[26]['value'].$t_c;
+			$html .= $t_a."<b>".$iso19139Hash[28]['html']."</b>: ".$t_b.$iso19139Hash[28]['value'].$t_c;
+			$html .= $t_a."<b>".$iso19139Hash[27]['html']."</b>: ".$t_b.$iso19139Hash[27]['value'].$t_c;
+			$html .= $tableEnd;
+			$html .= '</fieldset>';
+			$html .= '<fieldset><legend>'._mb("Metadata provider").'</legend>';
+			$html .= $tableBegin;
+			$html .= $t_a."<b>".$iso19139Hash[29]['html']."</b>: ".$t_b.$iso19139Hash[29]['value'].$t_c;
+			$html .= $t_a."<b>".$iso19139Hash[30]['html']."</b>: ".$t_b.$iso19139Hash[30]['value'].$t_c;
+			$html .= $tableEnd;
+			$html .= '</fieldset>';
+			$html .= '</p>';
+			$html .= '</div>';//element
+			//***************************************************************************
+			//**************************terms of use part begin******************************
+			//generate div tags for the content - the divs are defined in the array
+			if ($layout == 'accordion') {
+				$html .= '<h3><a href="#">'._mb("Terms of use").'</a></h3>';
+				$html .= '<div style="height:300px">';
+			}
+			if ($layout == 'tabs') {
+				$html .= '<div id="tabs-4">';
+			}
+			if ($layout == 'plain') {
+				$html .= '<h3>'._mb("Terms of use").'</h3>';
+				$html .= '<div>';
+			}
+			$html .= '<p>';
+			$html .= '<fieldset><legend>'._mb("Conditions").'</legend>';
+			$html .= $tableBegin;
+			$html .= $t_a."<b>".$iso19139Hash[23]['html']."</b>: ".$t_b.$iso19139Hash[23]['value'].$t_c;
+			$html .= $tableEnd;
+			$html .= '</fieldset>';
+			$html .= '<fieldset><legend>'._mb("Access constraints").'</legend>';
+			$html .= $tableBegin;
+			$html .= $t_a."<b>".$iso19139Hash[24]['html']."</b>: ".$t_b.$iso19139Hash[24]['value'].$t_c;
+			$html .= $t_a."<b>".$iso19139Hash[25]['html']."</b>: ".$t_b.$iso19139Hash[25]['value'].$t_c;
+			$html .= $tableEnd;
+			$html .= '</fieldset>';
+			$html .= '</p>';
+			$html .= '</div>';//element
+			//***************************************************************************
+			//**************************quality part begin******************************
+			//generate div tags for the content - the divs are defined in the array
+			if ($layout == 'accordion') {
+				$html .= '<h3><a href="#">'._mb("Quality").'</a></h3>';
+				$html .= '<div style="height:300px">';
+			}
+			if ($layout == 'tabs') {
+				$html .= '<div id="tabs-5">';
+			}
+			if ($layout == 'plain') {
+				$html .= '<h3>'._mb("Quality").'</h3>';
+				$html .= '<div>';
+			}
+			$html .= '<p>';
+			$html .= '<fieldset><legend>'._mb("Lineage").'</legend>';
+			$html .= $tableBegin;
+			$html .= $t_a."<b>".$iso19139Hash[17]['html']."</b>: ".$t_b.$iso19139Hash[17]['value'].$t_c;
+			$html .= $tableEnd;
+			$html .= '</fieldset>';
+			$html .= '<fieldset><legend>'._mb("Resolution").'</legend>';
+			$html .= $tableBegin;
+			$html .= $t_a."<b>".$iso19139Hash[18]['html']."</b>: ".$t_b.$iso19139Hash[18]['value'].$t_c;
+			$html .= $t_a."<b>".$iso19139Hash[19]['html']."</b>: ".$t_b.$iso19139Hash[19]['value'].$t_c;
+			$html .= $tableEnd;
+			$html .= '</fieldset>';
+			$html .= '<fieldset><legend>'._mb("Validity").'</legend>';
+			$html .= $tableBegin;
+			$html .= $t_a."<b>".$iso19139Hash[20]['html']."</b>: ".$t_b.$iso19139Hash[20]['value'].$t_c;
+			$html .= $t_a."<b>".$iso19139Hash[21]['html']."</b>: ".$t_b.$iso19139Hash[21]['value'].$t_c;
+			$html .= $t_a."<b>".$iso19139Hash[22]['html']."</b>: ".$t_b.$iso19139Hash[22]['value'].$t_c;
+			$html .= $tableEnd;
+			$html .= '</fieldset>';
+			$html .= '</p>';
+			$html .= '</div>';//element
+			//***************************************************************************
+			//**************************quality part begin******************************
+			//generate div tags for the content - the divs are defined in the array
+			if ($layout == 'accordion') {
+				$html .= '<h3><a href="#">'._mb("Interfaces").'</a></h3>';
+				$html .= '<div style="height:300px">';
+			}
+			if ($layout == 'tabs') {
+				$html .= '<div id="tabs-6">';
+			}
+			if ($layout == 'plain') {
+				$html .= '<h3>'._mb("Interfaces").'</h3>';
+				$html .= '<div>';
+			}
+			$html .= '<p>';
+			$html .= '<fieldset><legend>'._mb("Metadata").'</legend>';
+			$html .= $tableBegin;
+			//exchange mdtype html with iso19139
+			//$queryNew = str_replace("mdtype=html","mdtype=iso19139",$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']);
+			//$html .= $t_a."<b>"._mb("ISO19139")."</b>: <a href='".$url."' target='_blank'>"._mb("Metadata")."</a><a href='".$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."?".$queryNew."&validate=true' target='_blank'><img style='border: none;' src = '../img/misc/icn_inspire_validate.png' title='"._mb("INSPIRE Validator")."'></a>".$t_c;
+			$html .= $tableEnd;
+			$html .= '</fieldset>';
+			$html .= '</p>';
+			$html .= '</div>';//element
+			//***************************************************************************
+			$html .= '</div>'; //accordion
+			$html .= '</div>'; //demo
+			$html .= '</body>';
+			$html .= '</html>';
+			return $html;*/
+		}
+	}
 	public function createFromDB($fileIdentifier){
 		return $this;
@@ -202,7 +549,7 @@
 		$t = array('i');
 		$res = db_prep_query($sql,$v,$t);
-			$e = new mb_exception("Cannot delete metadata relations for resource ".$resourceType." with id: ".$resourceId);
+			$e = new mb_exception("class_Iso19139:"."Cannot delete metadata relations for resource ".$resourceType." with id: ".$resourceId);
 			return false;
 		} else {
 			return true;
@@ -217,7 +564,7 @@
 		$t = array('i');
 		$res = db_prep_query($sql,$v,$t);
-			$e = new mb_exception("Cannot delete metadata relations for resource ".$resourceType." with id: ".$resourceId);
+			$e = new mb_exception("class_Iso19139:"."Cannot delete metadata relations for resource ".$resourceType." with id: ".$resourceId);
 			return false;
 		} else {
 			return true;
@@ -263,6 +610,10 @@
 		$sql = <<<SQL
 SELECT metadata_id, createdate FROM mb_metadata WHERE uuid = $1 ORDER BY lastchanged DESC
+		if (!isset($this->fileIdentifier) || $this->fileIdentifier == '') {
+			$e = new mb_exception("class_Iso19139:"."Empty or no fileIdentifier found in the metadata! No metadataset will be updated");
+			return false;
+		}
 		$v = array(
@@ -284,7 +635,7 @@
 		$metadataId = $this->isLinkAlreadyInDB();
 		if ($metadataId != false) {
 			//update the metadataURL entry
-			$e = new mb_exception("existing metadata link(s) found: ".$metadataId[0]." - update will be performed");
+			$e = new mb_exception("class_Iso19139:"."existing metadata link(s) found: ".$metadataId[0]." - update will be performed");
 			$sql = "UPDATE mb_metadata SET link = $1, origin = $2, md_format = $3, linktype = $4, changedate = now(), export2csw = $5, randomid = $6, harvestresult = $8, harvestexception = $9 WHERE metadata_id = $7";
 			$v = array(
@@ -318,7 +669,7 @@
 		$res = db_prep_query($sql,$v,$t);
-			$e = new mb_exception(_mb("Cannot insert or update metadataUrl in database!"));
+			$e = new mb_exception("class_Iso19139:"._mb("Cannot insert or update metadataUrl in database!"));
 			return false;
 		} else {
 			//insert relation into db
@@ -333,11 +684,11 @@
 				$res = db_prep_query($sql,$v,$t);
 			catch (Exception $e){
-				$e = new mb_exception(_mb("Cannot get metadata record with following random id from database: ".$this->randomId));
+				$e = new mb_exception("class_Iso19139:"._mb("Cannot get metadata record with following random id from database: ".$this->randomId));
 			if (!$res) {
 				//do nothing
-				$e = new mb_exception(_mb("Cannot find inserted metadata entry to store relation."));
+				$e = new mb_exception("class_Iso19139:"._mb("Cannot find inserted metadata entry to store relation."));
 				return false;
 			} else {
 				//insert relation
@@ -350,7 +701,7 @@
 				$res = db_prep_query($sql,$v,$t);
-					$e = new mb_exception(_mb("Cannot insert metadata relation!"));
+					$e = new mb_exception("class_Iso19139:"._mb("Cannot insert metadata relation!"));
 					return false;
 				} else {
 					$sql = "UPDATE mb_metadata SET harvestresult = 0, harvestexception = 'Linked metadata could not be interpreted, only linkage is stored to mb_metadata!' where metadata_id = $1";
@@ -359,7 +710,7 @@
 					$res = db_prep_query($sql,$v,$t);
-						$e = new mb_exception(_mb("Cannot update mb_metadata table!"));
+						$e = new mb_exception("class_Iso19139:"._mb("Cannot update mb_metadata table!"));
 						return false;
@@ -376,23 +727,28 @@
 				//check if href is given and resource can be parsed
 				//following information must be given:
 				//randomId, href, format, type, origin, owner
-				if (($this->type == 'ISO19115:2003' && $this->format =='text/xml') || ($this->type == 'TC211' && $this->format =='text/xml') || ($this->type == 'ISO19115:2003' && $this->format =='text/vnd....')) {
+				//TODO: that empty identifier not identified - see comparing linkage
+				if (($this->type == 'ISO19115:2003' && $this->format =='text/xml') || ($this->type == 'TC211' && $this->format =='text/xml') || ($this->type == 'ISO19115:2003' && $this->format =='application/vnd.iso.19139+xml')) {
+					$e = new mb_notice("class_Iso19139:"."try to parse: ".$this->href);
 					$metadata = $this->createFromUrl($this->href); //will alter object itself
+					$e = new mb_notice("class_Iso19139:"."Metadata found: ".$this->metadata);
 					if ($metadata == false) {
 						//try to insert only MetadataURL elements
 						if (!$this->insertMetadataUrlToDB($resourceType, $resourceId)) {
-							$e = new mb_exception("Problem while storing MetadataURL entry from wms capabilities to mb_metadata table!");
+							$e = new mb_exception("class_Iso19139:"."Problem while storing MetadataURL entry from wms capabilities to mb_metadata table!");
 							$result['value'] = false;
 							$result['message'] = "Problem while storing MetadataURL entry from wms capabilities to mb_metadata table!";
 							return $result;
 						} else {
-							$e = new mb_exception("Storing only MetadataURL ".$metadata->href." from capabilities to mb database cause the target could not be accessed or parsed!");
+							$e = new mb_exception("class_Iso19139:"."Storing only MetadataURL ".$metadata->href." from capabilities to mb database cause the target could not be accessed or parsed!");
 							$result['value'] = true;
 							$result['message'] = "Storing only MetadataURL ".$metadata->href." from capabilities to mb database cause the target could not be accessed or parsed!";
 							return $result;
+				} else {
+					$e = new mb_exception("class_Iso19139:"."MetadataURL format or type of following url is not supported: Format: ".$this->format." | type: ".$this->type);
 			case "external":
@@ -401,12 +757,12 @@
 				if ($metadata == false) {
 					//try to insert only MetadataURL elements
 					if (!$this->insertMetadataUrlToDB($resourceType, $resourceId)) {
-						$e = new mb_exception("Problem while storing MetadataURL entry from wms capabilities to mb_metadata table!");
+						$e = new mb_exception("class_Iso19139:"."Problem while storing MetadataURL entry from wms capabilities to mb_metadata table!");
 						$result['value'] = false;
 						$result['message'] = "Problem while storing MetadataURL entry from wms capabilities to mb_metadata table!";
 						return $result;
 					} else {
-						$e = new mb_exception("Storing only MetadataURL ".$metadata->href." from capabilities to mb database cause the target could not be accessed or parsed!");
+						$e = new mb_exception("class_Iso19139:"."Storing only MetadataURL ".$metadata->href." from capabilities to mb database cause the target could not be accessed or parsed!");
 						$result['value'] = true;
 						$result['message'] = "Storing only MetadataURL ".$metadata->href." from capabilities to mb database cause the target could not be accessed or parsed!";
 						return $result;
@@ -418,7 +774,7 @@
 			case "upload":
 				//nothing to do at all?
-				$e = new mb_exception("upload found");
+				$e = new mb_exception("class_Iso19139:"."upload found");
 				//$e = new mb_exception($this->metadata);
 				$metadata = $this->createMapbenderMetadataFromXML($this->metadata);
@@ -435,7 +791,7 @@
 				//is actually handled thru plugins/mn_metadata_server* 
-       				$e = new mb_exception( "Metadata origin is not known - please set it before storing values to DB!");
+       				$e = new mb_exception("class_Iso19139:"."Metadata origin is not known - please set it before storing values to DB!");
 				$result['value'] = false;
 				$result['message'] = "Metadata origin is not known - please set it before storing values to DB!";
 				return $result;
@@ -491,51 +847,100 @@
 			$res = db_prep_query($sql,$v,$t);
 		} else {
-			//insert new record
-			$e = new mb_exception("No existing metadata fileIdentifier found in mapbender metadata table. New record will be inserted with uuid: ".$this->fileIdentifier);
+			//check if href already exists
+			$metadataId = $this->isLinkAlreadyInDB();
+			//if so, the metadataset will be the same - (same url same metadataset) - update this one
+			if ($metadataId != false) {
+				//the link to an existing metadataset already exists - don't store it again or insert anything
+				$e = new mb_exception("existing metadata linkage found at metadata with id: ".$metadataId[0]." - update will be performed");
+				//check if the timestamp of an existing metadata element is not newer than the timestamp of the current metadata object!!!!
+				//TODO
+				//problem: <<<SQL have a limited number of chars!
+				$sql = "UPDATE mb_metadata SET link = $1, origin = $18, md_format = $2, data = $3, ";
+				$sql .= "linktype = $4, uuid = $5, title = $6, createdate = $7, changedate = $8, lastchanged = now(), ";
+				$sql .= "abstract = $9, searchtext = $10, type = $11, tmp_reference_1 = $12, tmp_reference_2 = $13, export2csw = $14, datasetid = $15, ";
+				$sql .= "datasetid_codespace = $16, randomid = $17, harvestresult = $20, harvestexception = $21, lineage = $22, inspire_top_consistence = $23, ";
+				$sql .= "spatial_res_type = $24, spatial_res_value = $25, update_frequency = $26, format = $27, inspire_charset = $28 WHERE metadata_id = $19";
-			$sql = <<<SQL
+				$v = array(
+					$this->href,
+					$this->format,
+					$this->metadata,
+					$this->type,
+					$this->fileIdentifier,
+					$this->title,
+					$this->createDate,
+					$this->changeDate,
+					$this->abstract,
+					$this->keywords[0],
+					$this->hierachyLevel,
+					$this->tmpExtentBegin,
+					$this->tmpExtentEnd,
+					$this->export2Csw,
+					$this->datasetId,
+					$this->datasetIdCodeSpace,
+					$this->randomId,
+					$this->origin,
+					//$this->owner, //owner is the old one - maybe here we have something TODO!
+					$metadataId[0], //The first metadataId which was found will be selected!
+					$this->harvestResult,
+					$this->harvestException,
+					$this->lineage,
+					$this->inspireTopConsistence,
+					$this->spatialResType,
+					$this->spatialResValue,
+					$this->updateFrequency,
+					$this->dataFormat,
+					$this->inspireCharset
+				);
+				$t = array('s','s','s','s','s','s','s','s','s','s','s','s','s','b','s','s','s','s','i','i','s','s','b','s','s','s','s','s');
+				$res = db_prep_query($sql,$v,$t);
+			} else {
+				//insert new record
+				$e = new mb_exception("class_Iso19139:"."No existing metadata fileIdentifier found in mapbender metadata table. New record will be inserted with uuid: ".$this->fileIdentifier);
+				$sql = <<<SQL
 INSERT INTO mb_metadata (lastchanged, link, origin, md_format, data, linktype, uuid, title, createdate, changedate, abstract, searchtext, type, tmp_reference_1, tmp_reference_2, export2csw, datasetid, datasetid_codespace, randomid, fkey_mb_user_id, harvestresult, harvestexception, lineage, inspire_top_consistence, spatial_res_type, spatial_res_value, update_frequency, format, inspire_charset)  VALUES(now(), $1, $18, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10, $11, $12, $13, $14, $15, $16, $17, $19, $20, $21, $22, $23, $24, $25, $26, $27, $28)
-			$v = array(
-				$this->href,
-				$this->format,
-				$this->metadata,
-				$this->type,
-				$this->fileIdentifier,
-				$this->title,
-				$this->createDate,
-				$this->changeDate,
-				$this->abstract,
-				$this->keywords[0],
-				$this->hierachyLevel,
-				$this->tmpExtentBegin,
-				$this->tmpExtentEnd,
-				$this->export2Csw,
-				$this->datasetId,
-				$this->datasetIdCodeSpace,
-				$this->randomId,
-				$this->origin,
-				$this->owner,				
-				$this->harvestResult,
-				$this->harvestException,
-				$this->lineage,
-				$this->inspireTopConsistence,
-				$this->spatialResType,
-				$this->spatialResValue,
-				$this->updateFrequency,
-				$this->dataFormat,
-				$this->inspireCharset
+				$v = array(
+					$this->href,
+					$this->format,
+					$this->metadata,
+					$this->type,
+					$this->fileIdentifier,
+					$this->title,
+					$this->createDate,
+					$this->changeDate,
+					$this->abstract,
+					$this->keywords[0],
+					$this->hierachyLevel,
+					$this->tmpExtentBegin,
+					$this->tmpExtentEnd,
+					$this->export2Csw,
+					$this->datasetId,
+					$this->datasetIdCodeSpace,
+					$this->randomId,
+					$this->origin,
+					$this->owner,				
+					$this->harvestResult,
+					$this->harvestException,
+					$this->lineage,
+					$this->inspireTopConsistence,
+					$this->spatialResType,
+					$this->spatialResValue,
+					$this->updateFrequency,
+					$this->dataFormat,
+					$this->inspireCharset
-			);
-			$t = array('s','s','s','s','s','s','s','s','s','s','s','s','s','b','s','s','s','s','i','i','s','s','b','s','s','s','s','s');
-			$res = db_prep_query($sql,$v,$t);
+				);
+				$t = array('s','s','s','s','s','s','s','s','s','s','s','s','s','b','s','s','s','s','i','i','s','s','b','s','s','s','s','s');
+				$res = db_prep_query($sql,$v,$t);
+			}
-			$e = new mb_exception(_mb("Cannot insert or update metadata record into mapbenders mb_metadata table!"));
+			$e = new mb_exception("class_Iso19139:"._mb("Cannot insert or update metadata record into mapbenders mb_metadata table!"));
 			$result['value'] = false;
 			$result['message'] = "Cannot insert or update metadata record into mapbenders mb_metadata table!";
 			return $result;
@@ -551,11 +956,11 @@
 				$res = db_prep_query($sql,$v,$t);
 			catch (Exception $e){
-				$e = new mb_exception(_mb("Cannot get metadata record with following uuid from database: ".$uuid));
+				$e = new mb_exception("class_Iso19139:"._mb("Cannot get metadata record with following uuid from database: ".$uuid));
 			if (!$res) {
 				//do nothing
-				$e = new mb_exception(_mb("Cannot get metadata record with following uuid from database: ".$uuid));
+				$e = new mb_exception("class_Iso19139:"._mb("Cannot get metadata record with following uuid from database: ".$uuid));
 				$result['value'] = false;
 				$result['message'] = "Cannot get metadata record with following uuid from database: ".$uuid;
 				return $result;
@@ -565,7 +970,7 @@
 				$metadataId = $row['metadata_id'];
 				//check if current relation already exists in case of upload
 				if ($this->checkMetadataRelation($resourceType, $resourceId, $metadataId)) {
-					$e = new mb_exception(_mb("Relation already exists - it will not be generated twice!"));
+					$e = new mb_exception("class_Iso19139:"._mb("Relation already exists - it will not be generated twice!"));
 					$result['value'] = true;
 					$result['message'] = "Relation already exists - it will not be generated twice!";
 					return $result;
@@ -577,7 +982,7 @@
 				$res = db_prep_query($sql,$v,$t);
-					$e = new mb_exception(_mb("Cannot insert metadata relation!"));
+					$e = new mb_exception("class_Iso19139:"._mb("Cannot insert metadata relation!"));
 					$result['value'] = false;
 					$result['message'] = "Cannot insert metadata relation!";
 					return $result;
@@ -588,7 +993,7 @@
 					$res = db_prep_query($sql,$v,$t);
-						$e = new mb_exception(_mb("Cannot update mb_metadata table to fill in harvest result!"));
+						$e = new mb_exception("class_Iso19139:"._mb("Cannot update mb_metadata table to fill in harvest result!"));
 						$result['value'] = false;
 						$result['message'] = "Cannot update mb_metadata table to fill in harvest result!";
 						return $result;

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