Restructuring Wiki references to code modules

Arnulf Christl arnulf.christl at
Mon Apr 24 09:37:53 EDT 2006

please comment on the proposed new structure of Wiki references to the
code modules. As an example refer to this page:

These Wiki links are currently added to all code modules as we go through
the code cleaning and provenance review for OSGeo. Vice versa each Wiki
page with refrence to one or more code modules contains a link to the SVN.
That way both are connected via a URL. This probably allows for highest
flexibility regarding future migrations. (All of this seems to be standard
procedure in more techish Wikis like Confluence and thus we might even
eventually eventulate to postulate a switchulate... but I am still
reluctant to drop the additional features included with Mediawiki. But who
am I. Huh? I don't hear anything... :-).

This view on modules is somewhat more code centered and technical than it
was before. It would first list the Code Repository link, then the GUI SQL
followed by references and then a human readable description in English
(mandatory) and other languages (optional). To standard non-techy users
this would be less friendly. On the other hand, no standard user will
bother to really read ZoomIn and DeleteGUI SQLs as they will never need to
do that anyway.


The following template is available at:

== Files ==
: Page Name)

== SQL ==
INSERT INTO gui_element(fkey_gui_id, ...;

== References ==
Links to related Wiki pages

== English ==
Description of the module

=== More Details === (optional)

==== Even more Details ==== (optional)

=== Notices === (optional)

=== Warnings === (optional)

== [Other languages] == (optional)
This is either a list of other pages with the same Wiki Page Name and
trailing country code, for German language "_de"

Arnulf Christl

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