[Mapbender-dev] Ajax library

Uli Rothstein uli.rothstein at ccgis.de
Thu Oct 26 04:10:04 EDT 2006


I think ajax will provide a more comfortable way to exchange data with the 
server-side components.
There are differnt parts in many modules which uses iframes to undertake the 
tasks of data transfers.
I propose to implement a gerneral function in the map.php which tries to access 
a modular included ajax library. So we can switch between the libraries like 
prototype, sarissa or jquery etc. if it's necessary.


Christoph Baudson schrieb:
> Hi Michael,
> thanks for your post.
> I'm most interested in improving all kinds of wms and wfs requests. 
> Maybe Uli has something to say about AJAX use in Mapbender as well?
> Cheers,
> Christoph
> Michael Schulz schrieb:
>> Hi Christoph,
>> i have tested so far only some small ajax to enhance the gazetteer
>> functionality, not with a broader aspect of an ajax library.
>> I will have a look into prototype, for another project, so to examine
>> prototype with respect to mapbender, could you describe which parts of
>> the mapbender javascript code you would enhance with ajax
>> functionality?
>> Cheers, Michael
>> On 10/25/06, Christoph Baudson <christoph.baudson at ccgis.de> wrote:
>>> Hi there,
>>> some functions in Mapbender would truly benefit from an AJAX engine.
>>> By now, everthing AJAX-like in Mapbender works with IFrames, which is
>>> similar, but not as convenient as AJAX, so the architecture of Mapbender
>>> suffers from the lack of an AJAX-library (more modules with hard to
>>> follow code, and dependency on frames).
>>> So we should try to start a discussion about AJAX-libraries that are
>>> suitable for Mapbender. I'm still in the process of understanding the
>>> impact of AJAX on our project, so any input is welcome.
>>> I found a nice AJAX tutorial (unfortunately in german language only) at
>>> http://www.teialehrbuch.de/AJAX1-KK/index.html
>>> There are lots of AJAX frameworks like Sarissa, SAJAX, Prototype, JQuery
>>> and lots more. Sarissa (http://sourceforge.net/projects/sarissa/) is
>>> more a framework XML-handling and is used in Mapbuilder. I have no idea
>>> about SAJAX (http://www.modernmethod.com/sajax/) or Prototype, so far I
>>> have played a little with JQuery (http://www.jquery.com) which is very
>>> easy to use and simplifies JS code a lot.
>>> If anyone would like to contribute to this discussion I would be more
>>> than happy.
>>> Thanks, Christoph
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        Ulrich Rothstein
          CCGIS GbR
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         53121 Bonn

   uli.rothstein at ccgis.de
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