[Mapbender-dev] I18n (Internationalization)

Astrid Emde (WhereGroup) astrid.emde at wheregroup.com
Tue Apr 15 06:03:08 EDT 2008

Christoph Baudson schrieb:
> I have just made some final adjustments to the i18n in Mapbender 2.5. 
> Please let me know if you don't agree with me on this topic.
> 1) you can now choose to turn i18n off and use Mapbender 2.5 without 
> having to install gettext.
> 2) you can set a default language (if i18n is turned on)
> I propose to turn i18n off by default in order to allow a soft 
> upgrade, meaning that you have to turn it on explicitly. If it is 
> turned off, only english is available.
> To achieve this, I had to replace the calls to the gettext function 
> _() by a Mapbender wrapper, called _mb(). This function checks if I18N 
> is available. If not, it simply returns the input value, much like our 
> database function "gettext".

Hello Christoph,

I agree with the solution that you described. Sounds very good.



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