[Mapbender-dev] WFS transactions

Balázs Bámer bamerbalazs at gmail.com
Thu Apr 9 09:51:38 EDT 2009

Hi All,

Here is my half-ready WFS transaction solution under 2.6 rc1
I have Mapbender 5.2 on Ubuntu 8.10, WMS is Mapserver 5.2.1.
My GUI is available here:
user: mapbenderlist, pass: =]-[0p

Transactions are used for split, diff and merge operations, all others
are original. The principle is to collect parts of a transactions
(delete, insert operations) in mod_digitize_tab and concatenate them
with ~ characters to pass to multigeom2wfst. It calls the class_wfs
family, which extracts the info, converts it to WFS XML fragment and
builds a transaction from it in a $_SESSION. It is performed, on the
way back fids are extracted and returned (concatenated) to let
wfsSubWrite run.
New features' attributes are copied from the (first) initial feature.

Transactions are performed for split and merge (at least thes seem OK)
but Mapbender user interface (purple selection and feature icons under
split etc buttons) are not updated.
I would like to ask you to have a look at the stuff and give me some
hints where am I wrong.
My idea was to let a split etc operation be performed just by one
click on the scissors etc icons, and user interface follows the
results as in a simple delete operation to eliminate possible
remaining features and make users' life simple. This way new features'
attributes could be changed later by individually selecting and
changing them.

Source is here: http://www.bamer.hu/tmp/var_lib_mapbender-2.6-rc1.tbz
(bzip2 compressed)

Affected files - most of new functions start with multi.
multigeom2wfst - new one

Thank you in advance, best regards: Balázs

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