[Mapbender-dev] Re: wfs gazetteer with umn mapserver wfs
Michael Schulz
mschulz at webgis.de
Wed Jul 29 04:16:22 EDT 2009
Hi Christoph,
yes, I also agree, that this is a more generic approach and I'd be
willing to integrate that into 2.6 branch. Although I'd be happy to
have someone with strong-WFS background check this approach.
Cheers, Michael
2009/7/29 Christoph Baudson <christoph.baudson at wheregroup.com>:
> Michael Schulz schrieb:
>> Hi Michael, ;-)
>> another approach would be to search with xpath for
>> "gml:featureMember", and then feed the firstChild, which is always the
>> featuretype to the featuretype parser ... sth. like that:
>> $gmlFeatureMembers = $gmlDoc->xpath("//gml:featureMember");
>> if (count($gmlFeatureMembers) > 0) {
>> foreach ($gmlFeatureMembers as $gmlFeatureMember) {
>> $gmlfeatureMember_dom =
>> dom_import_simplexml($gmlFeatureMember);
>> $feature = new Feature();
>> $this->parseFeature($gmlfeatureMember_dom->firstChild,
>> $feature, $wfsConf);
>> if (isset($feature->geometry)) {
>> $gml->featureCollection->addFeature($feature);
>> }
>> }
>> }
> This looks like a more generic approach...are you willing to integrate this
> into the 2.6 branch?
> But I guess we should consult mschulz first ;-)
> Thanks for your help
> Christoph
>> Actually, I wondered why e.g. QGIS had no problems to load a UMN
>> WFS... so that's the reason.
>> Cheers, mandsch
>> 2009/7/28 Michael Schulz <mschulz at webgis.de>:
>>> Hi Devs,
>>> after some detours and especially after some valuable hints from
>>> Christoph on irc I came to this workaround, for the described problem,
>>> when using UMN as WFS-Server and getting no results from WFS-Gazatteer
>>> requests, because there is an obscure namespace problem with UMN-WFS
>>> (it breaks down to: umn gives a featuretype name in the getcaps
>>> without ns, this is stored in the mapbender db, when parsing
>>> getfeature request, that stored value is used to go through the
>>> getfeature result xml, that unfortunately now uses a namespace "ms:",
>>> so mapbender code won't find any features).
>>> My workaround is to ignore namespaces when searching for the result
>>> features, by using the xpath function local-name(). This can be
>>> applied in class_gml_factory around line 20, instead of:
>>> $gmlFeatureMembers = $gmlDoc->xpath("//" . $featureType->name);
>>> you could write:
>>> $admin = new administration();
>>> $gmlFeatureMembers = $gmlDoc->xpath("//*[local-name()='".
>>> $admin->sepNameSpace($featureType->name)."']" );
>>> This ignores the namespace, but certainly leaves the xml untouched.
>>> I've tested it with UMN and Geoserver. If someone wants to give it a
>>> try, I'll be happy for any feedback.
>>> Cheers, Michael
>>> 2009/7/14 Michael Schulz <mschulz at webgis.de>:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I have a strange problem when using umn mapserver as a wfs-server for
>>>> a gazetteer search. The problem is that the featuretype is announced
>>>> in get getCaps as
>>>> <Name>meinFeatureType</Name>.
>>>> When actually searching and issueing the getfeature request, the
>>>> result is returned with featuremembers with the default ms namespace:
>>>> <gml:featureMember><ms:meinFeatureType
>>>> fid="meinFeatureType.007">...</gml:featureMember>.
>>>> The problem is now that in the gml classes, the returned gml is
>>>> accessed with the xpath function searching for the featuretype name as
>>>> recieved from the getCapabilities response and since this name has no
>>>> namespace it won't find the featuremembers...
>>>> Is this a mapserver wfs misconfiguration on my side (i tried with
>>>> wms_namespace_prefix ...) or a mapserver wfs bug or a mapbender bug?
>>>> When using geoserver the featuretype namespace is also returned in the
>>>> getcapabilities response.
>>>> Thanks for your hints ... Michael
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> W h e r e G r o u p GmbH & Co. KG
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> Olaf Knopp, Peter Stamm
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