AW: [Mapbender-dev] GSoC09 Report -Mapbender CSW Week 2
Fischer, Andreas
Andreas.Fischer at
Mon Jun 8 05:43:57 EDT 2009
Hi Mifan,
I just had a look at your weekly report Nr. 2 and I'm sorry that I didn't respond to your question concerning how the user should get to the CSW dialog.
Sure, it is possible to make another button to get to the dialog and it is probably the fastest and most simpel way to implement the new feature. The only thing is, that in this case we have about three buttons, that offer similar oportunities to get a WMS e.g. loaded to the mapframe.
To reduce the amount of buttons in the gui and keep it clearly layouted in my opinion it could make sense, to merge similar topics and offer just one button to reach a more complex dialog. In this dialog the user could choose first different opportunities:
1. get a WMS from different lists (WMS in alphabetical order, lists with different topics e.g. tourism, nature conservation)
2. get a WMS by typing in the onlineResource
3. get a WMS (or anything else) by using the catalog interface
Take a look at and choose "Themen hinzuladen" (Load another theme ). This is pretty much what I have in mind ...
But in order to get this implemented in a similar way, a lot of work has to be done that might be a little of your main topic. There are probably different opinions in "the best way" of designing a user gui too. So I would suggest to implement the functionality first und keep in mind that some improvements could be done in order to get a better/different usability or look & feel.
Best regards
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Im Auftrag
Andreas Fischer
Kreis Unna - Der Landrat
Zentrale Datenverarbeitung
Friedrich-Ebert-Straße 17
59425 Unna
Fon 02303 27-4416
Fax 02303 27-2896
andreas.fischer at
-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: mapbender_dev-bounces at
[mailto:mapbender_dev-bounces at]Im Auftrag von Mifan
Gesendet: Freitag, 5. Juni 2009 20:32
An: Mapbender
Cc: soc at
Betreff: [Mapbender-dev] GSoC09 Report -Mapbender CSW Week 2
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