[Mapbender_dev] specification of accepted GET parameters

Karim Malhas karim at malhas.de
Thu Jul 22 05:52:28 EDT 2010

Hi Marc,

> How are you going to implement: "If a parameter is passed in the wrong 
> case, a notice has to be thrown "?
> e.g.
> ZOOM => OK
> zoom => illegal case => notice
> Zoom => illegal case => notice
> zOOm => illegal case => notice
> zOoM => illegal case => notice
> etc.


> Is this meant to as "every not recognized URL-Parameter thorws an 
> exception"?

I would go for "every unknown URL-Paramter is logged as a notice
('Unknown Parameter 'Zoom' , 'Unknow Parameter UDGBoef') to aid in
debugging and then ignored.


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