[Mapbender_dev] Mapbender 3 - first steps

Olaf Knopp olaf.knopp at wheregroup.com
Mon Sep 6 07:33:04 EDT 2010

Hello everybody,

in the last days i had some interesting and crucial discussions with 
Astrid Emde, Verena Diewald, Christoph Baudson, Karim Malhas and Uli 
Rothstein about the condition of Mapbender 2.x.

They pointed out that it would be best to develop a new Mapbender 
version from the scratch, because "time left it's mark in the code". 
Furthermore there are long planned collaborations with other projects 
such as OpenLayers or GeoJQuery. 

So it's time to start with a new, modern, easy to use and sexy ;-) 
Mapbender, ready to take it's role in the global struggle of web GIS 

The new feature may include:
- modular concept with a well-defined api
- extended role concept (direct relation user/groups - services and 
user/groups - modules)
- easy installation and administration
- easy updates and maintenance
- new and lean data storage (e.g. CouchDB)
- I18N
- elements combined to modules (e.g. navigation elements -> navModul) 
configured by css
- moduls deliver the gui-elements (client functions) and an 
administration client
- unit testing during development

possible software and projects used:
- OpenLayers
- GeoJQuery
- CouchDB
- Drupal (as example for module management)

I know that you discussed most of the features above on different 
development sprints. 

The WhereGroup has decided to start developing Mapbender 3 immediately.
Our first time schedule is:
- Intergeo 2010: presentation of the basic concept and architecture of 
Mapbender 3
- FOSSGIS 2011: presentation of a prototype/alpha including: basic map 
client, service management, user management, gui administration.

I hope you like this basic plan and join in. First of all we need much 
concept work, such as application concepts for both gis client and 
administration, use cases (administrator, power user, end user), 
software and project evaluation, etc.

Astrid and Christoph will be in Barcelona this week representing the 
Mapbender project. For all also there it is a great opportunity to make 
the first steps to Mapbender 3.

Olaf Knopp

FOSS4G 2010
06.-09. September 2010 in Barcelona
WhereGroup GmbH & Co. KG
Siemensstraße 8
53121 Bonn

Olaf Knopp

Fon: +49 (0)228 / 90 90 38 - 27
Fax: +49 (0)228 / 90 90 38 - 11

info at wheregroup.com
Amtsgericht Bonn, HRA 6788
WhereGroup Verwaltungs GmbH
vertreten durch:
Olaf Knopp, Peter Stamm

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