[Mapbender-dev] WANTED: Looking for volunteers for Mapbender3 translation

Astrid Emde astrid.emde at wheregroup.com
Mon Jan 6 04:41:39 PST 2014


we worked on the translation of Mapbender3 and implemented english (also
fallback language) and german. The results will  be published in the
next release 3.0.3


Now we are looking for volunteers to help with the translation. It would
be nice to provide it, nl, fr, es, ru and other languages

So if you have time and you speak another language just write an email
to mapbender at osgeo.org to get the files or provide translations at
github (https://github.com/mapbender) and transmit the results with a
pull request.

You find information about translation in Mapbender3 at:


Best regards

 Astrid Emde

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