Change password problems

Garand Michel.Garand at
Wed Aug 23 06:59:13 EDT 2006


I am using the Mapbender Version 2.4 (2006-07-31).

When i edit the users password in the admin1 GUI i get the following error in the mb_user table - I get for example - md5('root'). -  in the mb_user_password column. When i add a new user the password is ok.

However when I change the users password with the admin2_de or _en the changes are ok!

I also tried the "Change personal settings" on the "Mapbender GUI list" page and the password "root" is = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e. The md5 password "root" should look like this 63a9f0ea7bb98050796b649e85481845.

When I register a new user through the http://...../mapbender/http/index.php page everything seems to work fine.

Does anybody have an idea where the problem is?	

Thanks in advance for any assistance.

Michel Garand
Stadt Frankfurt (Oder)
Zentrale Steuerungsunterstützung
Kommunal Statistikstelle
Goepelstrasse 38, D-15234 Frankfurt (Oder), Germany
Tel.: +49 (0)335 / 552-1315
Fax: +49 (0)335 / 552- 88 1315
michel.garand at	

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