[Mapbender-users] Usemap

Pieter Deckers pieter.deckers at vliz.be
Tue Dec 12 06:28:02 EST 2006

Thanks Till,

the hint for unhiding the iframe was very usefull. Unless it didn't display the link I could solve the problem.

But I had to change therefore the source code. I changed line 29:
$url = urldecode($_REQUEST["url"]);
$url = "url"
and then it was working fine.

I don't know if this is an error in the code or a wrong setting of me.



>Dear Pieter,
>first of all set the frame "usemap" in your GUI for testing purposes 
>just beside your mapframe to 200px width and 200px height and set it to 
>"visible" (maybe set the frameborder to "1") using edit GUi elements -> 
>usemap -> width|height|style
>Reload your gui.
>If everything is ok in the new frame there should appear the link 
>includig your wfs request. Copy it and throw it into another browser 
>window. Your wfs should deliver objects in there, like this:
>- <gml:Box srsName="epsg:31466">
>- <gml:coordinates>
>2565184.180000,5713117.700000 2591738.550000,5734990.370000
>- <gml:featureMember>
>- <ms:sometext>
>- <gml:boundedBy>
>- <gml:Box srsName="epsg:31466">
>- <gml:coordinates>
>2586389.000000,5719736.000000 2586389.000000,5719736.000000
>- <ms:msGeometry>
>- <gml:Point srsName="epsg:31466">
>If that is ok, you made a major step.
>Then ensure ,that in your php/mod_usemap.php the item which carries the 
>information for the highlight flag exists in your wfs (line +/- 22)
>If your flags appear hide your usemap frame again and everything is fine.
>Pieter Deckers schrieb:
>>I'm a new MapBender user. I want to add interactivity to my application
>>using 'usemap'. I've added the elements 'usemap' and 'wz_jsgraphics' but now
>>I'm stuck because I don't find more documentation. I think I'll have to
>>modify the source code of \javascripts\mod_usemap.php (1) and
>>\php\mod_usemap.php (2). I think I have to change the url in (1) on line 21
>>and in (2) on line 29 in the url of the GML-file:
>>But if i do this it doesn't work. Am I doing the right modification or are
>>there other parameters I'll have to change to have a good imagemap?
>>Pieter Deckers
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