AW: [Mapbender-users] MapBender 2.4rc2: Problems with loadWMC

"Schönhammer, Herbert" Schoenhammer.Herbert at
Wed Jul 26 01:31:01 EDT 2006

Thanks for the tipps.
But doing exactly what you suggested with the actual versions from the cvs, the gui1 is not opened further more (no overview, no mapframe1, no tabs, etc.).
I think the developpers should correct the loadWMC-behaviour with the final release of MapBender 2.4.
Schönhammer Herbert

	-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
	Von: Fischer, Andreas [mailto:andreas.fischer at] 
	Gesendet: Dienstag, 25. Juli 2006 15:01
	An: 'users at'
	Betreff: AW: [Mapbender-users] MapBender 2.4rc2: Problems with loadWMC
	Hello Mr. Schönhammer,
	I have experienced the same you did. The same problems occur with MB 2.2.3, the version I have in use. 
	I loaded the following files form the cvs and replaced the original ones:
	    mod_insert WmcIntoDb.php
	I don't know, if actually all those files have to be replaced: But I got all that are involved with WMC (e.g. includes) and now everything is working fine. But after loading a WMC, featureInfoRequest will only work with text/html. The database entry isn't considered. This is because of the fix entry in class_wmc.php for text/html. Usually that won't matter, because html-templates are nicer anyway.
	Hope that helps
	Andreas Fischer 

	Kreis Unna 
	Dezernat II - Projektteam GIS 
	Platanenallee 16 
	59425 Unna 

	(02303) 27-2507
	andreas.fischer at 

		-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
		Von: "Schönhammer, Herbert" [mailto:Schoenhammer.Herbert at]
		Gesendet: Dienstag, 25. Juli 2006 14:04
		An: users at
		Betreff: [Mapbender-users] MapBender 2.4rc2: Problems with loadWMC

		Hi mapbender-community, 

		I've just installed MapBender 2.4rc2 and got some troubles with loadWMC. The observed problems might be coupled with other reported problems concerning loadWMC. But i'm not sure.

		Using gui1 as shipped with mb2.4rc2 

		- Saving of a WMC does what it should do. 
		- Now i make some things like zooming, display other maps (WMS), do some feautreInfo-requests. 
		- Now i load a WMC: after redrawing the map, the map is shown as saved with the WMC 
		                               but: the treeGDE is not actualized AND 
		                               no further actions like displaying other WMS or making featureInfo-requests with the treeGDE are possible

		=> only the default layers (as saved with the WMC) can be displayed. 

		I think, interactive work with the maps should be possible, even after loading a WMC. 
		Or must i configure this behaviour anywhere ?? Who knows where to configure ?? 

		Thanks a lot. 

		Mit freundlichen Grüßen 

		Schönhammer Herbert 
		Dipl.-Ing.(FH), Dipl.-Inf. 

		Stadt Regensburg 
		Amt für Stadtentwicklung 
		D.-Martin-Luther-Straße 1 
		93047 Regensburg 

		Tel.: 0941 / 507-2662 
		Fax: 0941 / 507-4866 

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