[Mapbender-users] WFS configuration: how to access global values?

Michael Schulz mschulz at webgis.de
Tue Dec 2 05:38:03 EST 2008

Hi Christoph,

wow, that was quick, thanks a lot. It's a mb 2.5.


2008/12/2 Christoph Baudson <christoph.baudson at wheregroup.com>:
> Michael Schulz schrieb:
>> Hi,
>> how would it be possible to use the values of some global variables
>> (mb_user_name and the like) in the context of a wfs configuration? In
>> my special case, we want the mb_user_name to be inserted when saving a
>> digitized geometry. The featuretype has an attribute that should be
>> filled with mb_user_name, without exposing an input element. Do you
>> have any ideas how to do that?
>> I thought about using a hidden input element and some JS to insert the
>> value, but I didn't succeed.
> There is a column in wfs_conf, "f_auth_varname". You can enter a php
> variable like
> $_SESSION['mb_user_name']
> (use single quotes) for the appropriate feature type which will hold the
> value of this variable.
> This has been introduced in Mapbender 2.4.5, but there have been a lot of
> bug fixes since then, so I recommend updating to 2.5
> Christoph
>> Any ideas?
>> Cheers, Michael
> --
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Michael Schulz
mschulz at webgis.de

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