[Mapbender-users] How Sign on in MapBender?

Astrid Emde (WhereGroup) astrid.emde at wheregroup.com
Fri Jan 25 07:08:44 EST 2008

Rober Corona schrieb:
> Hi all,
> I am studying MapBender to insert it into a frame. I have downloaded 
> the mapbender 2.4 and i have followed the indications to install it. 
> But now i don't know how write the home page, i have seen a example in 
> internet but i don't understand how the page consults the 
> Authentication. Also i would like to see a example about 
> mapbender.conf with Oracle instead of MySql.
> I waits a little help.
> thank you very much for yours time. I'm sorry for my English.
Hello Rober,

Mapbender only works with MySQL or PostgreSQL as administration 
database. It is not implemented to use Oracle as an administration database.

Information about the installation you will find in the Mapbender wiki 
at http://www.mapbender.org/index.php/Installation

Greetings astrid

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