[Mapbender-users] Mapbender Development Sprint 12. 12. 2009 Bonn

Astrid Emde astrid.emde at wheregroup.com
Tue Dec 8 06:12:59 EST 2009

Hello Mapbender-devs,

the developer sprint on Saturday is coming closer and closer.

Here comes information about the organisation of the day.

* the meeting will start at 9 am, Saturday, 12. 12.2009

* we discussed a roadmap in the last weeks IRC-meetings. We want to 
concentrate on the topics of the roadmap on the sprint to get Mapbender 
2.7 ready for FOSSGIS 2010. Have a look at the roadmap in the trac [1]

* if you want to get prepared for the meeting, please have a look at the 

* on Saturday we would like to work on the update routine [2], improve 
the appearance of Mapbender, integration of jQuery in a new application [3].

* we want to build up an application which uses the jQuery UI CSS 
Framework. If you want to work on this topic, it would be good to get 
familiar with the jQuery CSS Framework [4] and the ThemeRoller [5] in 

* we also want to concentrate on a new admin application [6]

You find all information about the dev sprint in the Mapbender Wiki [7].

Looking forward to see you on Saturday. If you can't come feel free to 
join us via IRC [8]


[1] http://trac.osgeo.org/mapbender/roadmap
[4] http://jqueryui.com/
[5] http://jqueryui.com/themeroller/
[7] http://www.mapbender.org/2009-12_Mapbender_Development_Sprint
[8] http://www.mapbender.org/IRC

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