[Mapbender-users] openlayers integration

Hernan Olivera lholivera at gmail.com
Tue Dec 14 14:44:00 EST 2010


Do you know when will be 2.7 stable? Is there any 'unstability'
expected with the changes made? I need to install a production server,
should I use 2.7?
If it's not safe to install 2.7, can I import the Openlayers
integration app in 2.6.2 withouth problems?


2010/12/7 Hernan Olivera <lholivera at gmail.com>:
> Thanks!
> I can wait for 2.7
> 2010/12/7 Christoph Baudson <christoph at baudson.de>:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> On 12/07/2010 07:54 PM, Hernan Olivera wrote:
>>> Hi all
>>> I've been trying with this (http://www.mapbender.org/OpenLayers_Integration)
>>> following:
>>> Activating OpenLayers client in Mapbender
>> Hi Hernan,
>> there are application elements that wrap OpenLayers functionality at
>> another demo at
>> http://projects.mapbender.osgeo.org/mapbender_demo/frames/login.php?name=demo&password=demo&mb_user_myGui=template_openlayers
>> I can send you the SQL tomorrow.
>> However, we are planning to release Mapbender 2.7 next weekend, which
>> will contain a revised OpenLayers template application, so you might
>> want to wait another week for the stable release.
>> Thanks,
>> Christoph
>>>     * Edit Gui Elements openlayers and openlayers_layerSwitch
>>>     * openlayers: the OpenLayers itself. For displaying the OpenLayers
>>> client set ON/OFF to 1.
>>>     * openlayers_switch: Ability to switch between WMS layers. Set
>>> ON/OFF to 1. WMS configured in 'WMS GUI settings' can be handled with
>>> this Element
>>>     * WMS configuration as usual in 'Configure WMS Access' --> WMS GUI settings
>>>     * If you only want to show OpenLayers client, disable all elements
>>> excepting 'openlayers' and 'openlayers_layerSwitch' in 'Edit GUI
>>> elements'
>>> but I can't find any openlayers component as gui elements in any of
>>> the examples.
>>> Any guides?
>>> thanks in advance
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> --
> Hernan Olivera

Hernan Olivera

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