AW: [Mapbender-users] Re: Update WMS from geoserver misbehaviour

Albert Polze A.Polze at
Thu Sep 29 10:16:47 EDT 2011

Hey Marc,

I performed a test and compared both of the class_gui.php . Copying an
existing GUI with edited styles works as you said. But there is one problem
with both of the class_gui.php. To make it simple I try to explain it with
an Example:

GUI2 is a copy of GUI1. Both GUIs have the same wms assigned from a
container.  Now I tried to change the SLD from one layer in GUI2. In both
GUIs this layer is shown when the GUI is opened but this layer is missing in
GUI1 layer-table from admin2->WMS Anwendungseinstellung. And also in the

I hope this is only my problem be cause every time a SLD is edited and one
wants to copy a GUI and still wants to use the original, the wms has to be
deleted and new assigned completely.

If you're interessted in my workflow I will post it.

By the way, using the new class_gui and copying an existing GUI will add
this GUI into the same category as the original. I think you know this but
it is also bit complicated be cause you cannot delete the gui via admin2
(Anwendung zu Kategorie zuordnen) and have to do this via postgresql.

greetings, Albert

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