[Mapbender-users] Problem with wms in a mapbender copy

Armin Retterath armin.retterath at gmail.com
Tue Aug 20 13:56:04 PDT 2013

hi Charles,
Sorry i forgot - if you have the postgis 2.0 you need to install the legacy
package First. This package allows the backward compatibility to 1.5 and if
you dont have installed it the mb_metadata table wont be created :-( .
I normaly push All postgis functions into a own Schema and the mapbender
tables into another. The legacy package is a simple SQL which you have to
execute at the database. Dont forget to Set the right search path. I
normally use mapbender,public and the postgis functions are in the public
Schema and the mapbender tables are in a mapbender Schema.
Have a nice evening
I will go to bed now ;-)
Regards FROM Germany
Am 20.08.2013 21:40 schrieb "Charles Nievas" <cnievas-npm at adinet.com.uy>:

> Thank you Armin, but i think the problem may cause by diferent versions of
> postgis, the original mapbender was installed under postgis 1.5 and the new
> server has postgis 2.0. Iĺl continue trying to solve.
> Thank you very much for your help.
> Regards,
> Charles
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