[Mapbender-users] Logo-problem solved

Astrid Emde astrid.emde at wheregroup.com
Fri Jan 31 02:25:42 PST 2014

Am 31.01.2014 11:09, schrieb richard_struggle:
> Hello to everybody,
> I finally solved the logo-problem. I deleted the Mapbender3-files completely
> and then installed the mapbender3-starter-develop-3.0.1build236 again. I
> added my template and the logo-image. Then I used a new database, created a
> new application with my template and everything worked fine. After this I
> tried to use my old database with this new Mapbenderinstallation and it
> worked as well. I'm happy about this, because it is not necessary to create
> the applications, I used before, again.
> I'm still wondering why my template worked at the developers mode but not at
> the normal mode. Does anybody have an idea?
> Greetings 
> Richard
Hello Richard,

thanks for you feedback and good, that the installation and update works

When you update to a newer version you have to merge some files, update
the database with

app/console doctrine:schema:update --force

and run 
app/console assets:install web (if you do not use symbolic links)

The last command will export files to the web directory which is public.

You also should delete the cache at mapbender3/app/cache/prod (here you find the files when you start app.php) /data/git/mb3/application/app/cache/dev (files from app_dev.php)

Have a look for details in the update description in the documentation at: 



Best regards

Astrid Emde

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