[Mapbender-users] Mapbender3 Geoserver layers not visible
Astrid Emde
astrid.emde at wheregroup.com
Tue Aug 30 23:36:10 PDT 2016
Hello Mike,
you could use the nightly version that willbe soon published as
Here we already made some fixed for PHP 7
Am 2016-08-31 07:37, schrieb Schepers, Benjamin:
> Hi Mike,
> Your problems could be caused by misconfigured owsproxy. Maybe this
> there's also bug with owsproxy and php7? Maybe you can first try not
> to use any proxy-functions, until you properly configured this?
> Moreover I'm not sure, whether you would need any proxy settings,
> because all your stuff (MB3, services, etc.) seems to come from the
> same machine/domain.
> So I'd try this:
> Have you unchecked the Proxy-checkbox for the specific layer(s)? This
> could be done going to the application -> layerset -> edit
> layer-instance. If proxy for this layer-instance is unchecked, also
> have a look to the "vendor specific" section at the same tab (it
> seems to me, that your error message lead to vendor-specific). If
> there are some vendor specific settings configured by you,
> delete/deactivate them, normally you would not need to pass vendor
> parameters to the wms-server or if vendor-specific is really needed,
> at least uncheck hidden (which would also make MB3 use the
> proxy-module).
> If you need to configure proxy, this should help you:
> http://doc.mapbender3.org/en/book/installation/configuration.html#configuration-files
> Regards
> Benjamin
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Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Astrid Emde
FOSS Academy Sommerschule 2016
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Astrid Emde
WhereGroup GmbH & Co.KG
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astrid.emde at wheregroup.com
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