[Mapbender-users] Mapbender 2.7.4: Print Module

Armin Retterath armin.retterath at lvermgeo.rlp.de
Fri Feb 26 06:14:10 PST 2016

hi likas,

the printing is not possible with authenticated wms and without 
owsproxy. you have to setup the owsproxy first:

please use the rewrite method  (2.) ;-)

normally this should work. but if it don't - please ask :-) .

the 3. point is your problem :-( .

if nothing will work, it will be advisable to update to mapbender 2.8 
(trunk). our geoportals of rhinland-palatinate, hesse and saarland work 
on trunk without any problems. you can do an alternative installation 
(svn checkout) into an other path and copy your current database (dump / 
restore) . then update the copied database and alter the conf files 
(mapbender.conf) to test the 2.8.

which os do you use?

best regards

On 26.02.2016 14:31, lukas.bollack wrote:
> Hi Mapbender Mailing List
> I am trying to implement a printing function in my GUI. To this end I copied
> the elements "printPDF" and "printButton" from the "template_print" GUI into
> my own GUI. When I test the printing functionality it always times out "An
> error occured or timeout of 90 seconds reached. Print was aborted."
> Now when I use the print function inside of the "template_print" GUI it
> works fine and doesn't time out, so the module works on my server. When I
> add the wms from my own GUI to the "template_print" GUI, printing still
> works. I have 3 theories, what my problem could be:
> 1. There are some settings defined in the "printPDF" element I copied from
> the "template_print" GUI which refer to layers not present in my own GUI.
> 2. There is some element missing in my GUI which is needed for printPDF to
> work.
> 3. The base layer in my own GUI is password protected and I haven't
> succeeded in getting owsProxy to run yet. It works when I open my GUI in the
> browser but maybe the print module has problems accessing the WMS?
> Do any of you have an idea how I could solve this?
> Regards
> Lukas
> --
> View this message in context: http://osgeo-org.1560.x6.nabble.com/Mapbender-2-7-4-Print-Module-tp5253023.html
> Sent from the mapbender-users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
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armin.retterath at lvermgeo.rlp.de

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