[Mapbender-users] Fehlermeldung update mapbender3.0.5.3

Axel Schaefer axel.schaefer at wheregroup.com
Fri Mar 18 04:21:56 PDT 2016

Dear Mapbender-Users.

The question of PHP 5.3 is a bit complicated to answer but with a simple 
solution: Mapbender3 is running under PHP 5.3 but with some remarks. 
Some libraries require PHP 5.3.19 or greater but they are only needed 
for the Development-mode (app_dev.php) of Mapbender. Therefore it's 
possible to run Mapbender on PHP > 5.3.19 and for versions below that 
it's possible but has to be build a special way (see the Technobabble 

Our Mapbender Code is written compliant to PHP 5.3. Our base for this 
decision is the Symfony Framework that we use. If we are going to change 
that version we have to switch to a higher PHP version.

Second: The libraries in the vendor directory are downloaded with 
Composer (composer.phar update). Which version Composer will download 
depends on the PHP version on which that command is called. For greater 
PHP version composer will download newer versions than on older PHP 
versions. These libraries get updated by the specific companies or 
developers and we don't have a influence on them.

If you run that on PHP 5.3 you will see that the library 
facebook/webdriver needs PHP >= 5.3.19. This is a library we need in the 
dev-mode and which is referred under "require-dev" in composer.json. 
With lower PHP versions composer cannot download that library and the 
command will not finish successfully. You can run composer update with 
the command: "composer update -o --no-dev" and this will update the 
necessary vendor packages but not the ones under require-dev and 
therefore not the facebook/webdriver. Sometimes this command will lead 
to a memory error on PHP 5.3 (proc_open(): fork failed). This is 
something related to the PHP 5.3 issues and doesn't happen with higher 
PHP versions. You can run composer update on PHP 5.4 to avoid that 
issues. The facebook driver will be compliant to 5.3.19.

I hope that helps you out and clears some of the views about it.

WhereGroup GmbH & Co. KG
Eifelstraße 7
53119 Bonn

Axel Schaefer

Fon: +49 (0)228 / 90 90 38 - 31
Fax: +49 (0)228 / 90 90 38 - 11

axel.schaefer at wheregroup.com
Amtsgericht Bonn, HRA 6788
WhereGroup Verwaltungs GmbH
vertreten durch:
Olaf Knopp, Peter Stamm

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