[Mapbender-users] Installation issue Mapbender 3

Nelson Lovestrom nelson at auracleremotesensing.com
Thu Aug 3 13:20:14 PDT 2017

Having an issue with getting mapbender 3 up and running.

I have Apache24 64 bit. and PHP 5.6 64 bit.
I've configured both of those correctly to talk to each other.
I've went through the steps to install mapbender3 as found here.

When I get to this part

cd mapbender3
php.exe app/console doctrine:database:create
php.exe app/console doctrine:schema:create
php.exe app/console assets:install web
php.exe app/console fom:user:resetroot
php.exe app/console doctrine:fixtures:load
php.exe app/console doctrine:fixtures:load

the first php.exe line throws a fatal error with the message 'You have
requested a non-existent parameter "database_host".

How do I fix this and get Mapbender running?

Nelson Lovestrom
B.A., P.G. Dip.
GIS Technician
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