[Mapbender-users] Mapbender3: Searchrouter/additional database connection

Uwe Seher uwe.seher at gmail.com
Wed Jan 18 02:41:43 PST 2017

Great! This should be helpful for all building their first search router.


2017-01-18 11:24 GMT+01:00 Astrid Emde <astrid.emde at wheregroup.com>:

> Hello Uwe and thanks for the suggestion.
> I added a note about the projection of the geom
> "Note: projection of geom has to be the same as map-Element projection"
> Have a look at:
> http://doc.mapbender3.org/en/bundles/Mapbender/CoreBundle/el
> ements/search_router.html#yaml-definition
> Astrid
> Am 2017-01-18 09:53, schrieb Uwe Seher:
>> Hello!
>> The projection didn't match. The layer is a UTM layer from a view with
>> a special projection from GK. In the search router i had referenced
>> the original layer. Now it works great. Maybe this topic could be
>> mentioned in the documentation or in a comment in the config.
>> Thank you all for your help and your work!
>> Best regards
>> Uwe
>> 2017-01-18 8:58 GMT+01:00 Astrid Emde <astrid.emde at wheregroup.com>:
>> Hello,
>>> here is another link to the documentation.
>>> http://doc.mapbender3.org/en/bundles/Mapbender/CoreBundle/el
>> ements/search_router.html#yaml-definition
>>> [1]
>>> geometry_attribute: geom
>>> Make sure that your geometry_attribute is in the same projection as
>>> your map. This is an error that often is made.
>>> What is your EPSG-code? What are the units of your search?
>>> buffer: 1000
>>> Keep in mind that buffer is calutated in the units of your
>>> projection.
>>> Astrid
>>> Am 2017-01-17 16:15, schrieb Uwe Seher:
>>> Hello!
>>> Cleaning the cache made the trick, nor the result is shown. Thank
>>> you.
>>> But now the next problem:
>>> I interpret the documentation of the search router eleet, that the
>>> results are shown and you can click on it, then the map zooms to the
>>> element and shows the found geometry/element in the configurated
>>> colors.
>>> If i click now on my found result it zooms sometimes to an more or
>>> less erratic place (or does nothing) and no selected elements are
>>> shown. Clearing the cache after changing something didn't help here.
>>> The configuration is the same as above. I just post the results
>>> area:
>>> results:
>>> view: table
>>> count: true
>>> headers:
>>> objectid: ID
>>> name: Name
>>> callback:
>>> event: click
>>> options:
>>> buffer: 1000
>>> minScale: null
>>> maxScale: null
>>> styleMap:
>>> default:
>>> strokeColor: '#00ff00'
>>> strokeOpacity: 1
>>> fillOpacity: 1
>>> select:
>>> strokeColor: '#ff0000'
>>> fillColor: '#ff0000'
>>> fillOpacity: 0.8
>>> Any hint on the config or if i make some errors here would be great.
>>> Thank you
>>> Uwe
>>> 2017-01-16 18:01 GMT+01:00 Axel Schaefer
>>> <axel.schaefer at wheregroup.com>:
>>> Hi Uwe.
>>> After changes in parameters.yml and config.yml you have to clear the
>>> Mapbender cache directory.
>>> The contents in: <mapbender>/(application)/app/cache.
>>> Not the cache-directory itself, but the contents of the directory.
>>> Maybe that's the missing point. Your configuration looks ok.
>>> Axel
>>> Uwe Seher writes:
>>> Hello again!
>>> I an trying to set up a search function in my application with the
>>> search
>>> router element.
>>> For this i had setup an additional database connection following
>>> teh
>>> desctioption in the documentation with the following parameters:
>>> parameters.yml:
>>> parameters:
>>> # Default-Datenbank
>>> database_driver:   pdo_pgsql
>>> database_host:
>>> database_port:     5432
>>> database_name:     mapbender3
>>> database_path:     ~
>>> database_user:     mapbender
>>> database_password: xxxx
>>> # Rhein-Datenbank
>>> database1_driver:   pdo_pgsql
>>> database1_host:
>>> database1_port:     5432
>>> database1_name:     rhein
>>> database1_path:     ~
>>> database1_user:     gdi_user
>>> database1_password: xxxx
>>> config.yml:
>>> doctrine:
>>> dbal:
>>> default_connection: default
>>> connections:
>>> default:
>>> driver:   %database_driver%
>>> host:     %database_host%
>>> port:     %database_port%
>>> dbname:   %database_name%
>>> path:     %database_path%
>>> user:     %database_user%
>>> password: %database_password%
>>> charset:  UTF8
>>> logging: %kernel.debug%
>>> profiling: %kernel.debug%
>>> rhein:
>>> driver:   %database1_driver%
>>> host:     %database1_host%
>>> port:     %database1_port%
>>> dbname:   %database1_name%
>>> path:     %database1_path%
>>> user:     %database1_user%
>>> password: %database1_password%
>>> charset:  UTF8
>>> logging: %kernel.debug%
>>> profiling: %kernel.debug%
>>> orm:
>>> auto_generate_proxy_classes: %kernel.debug%
>>> auto_mapping: true
>>> The search-dialog parameters look like this:
>>> class: Mapbender\CoreBundle\Component\SQLSearchEngine
>>> class_options:
>>> connection: rhein
>>> relation: mrh_1509.engstellen
>>> attributes:
>>> - objectid
>>> - name
>>> geometry_attribute: geom
>>> form:
>>> name:
>>> type: choice
>>> options:
>>> empty_value: 'Bitte wählen'
>>> required: true
>>> choices:
>>> 1: 'Reg.Bereich 1'
>>> 2: 'Reg.Bereich 2'
>>> 3: 'Reg.Bereich 3'
>>> 4: 'Reg.Bereich 3'
>>> 5: 'Reg.Bereich 5'
>>> 6: 'Reg.Bereich 6'
>>> 7: 'Reg.Bereich 6'
>>> results:
>>> view: table
>>> count: true
>>> headers:
>>> objectid: ID
>>> name: Name
>>> callback:
>>> event: click
>>> options:
>>> buffer: 10
>>> minScale: null
>>> maxScale: null
>>> The dialog itself works fine, but no results are found. In the
>>> logfile i
>>> found this entry:
>>> [2017-01-13 08:45:04] request.CRITICAL: Uncaught PHP Exception
>>  Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Exception\ServiceNotF
>> oundException:
>> "You have requested a non-existent service
>>>> "doctrine.dbal.rhein_connection". Did you mean this:
>>>> "doctrine.dbal.default_connection"?" at
>>>> /srv/www/htdocs/mapbender3- line
>>> 2063
>>> {"exception":"[object]
>> (Symfony\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Exception\\Service
>> NotFoundException(code:
>> 0): You have requested a non-existent service
>>>> \"doctrine.dbal.rhein_connection\". Did you mean this:
>>>> \"doctrine.dbal.default_connection\"? at
>>>> /srv/www/htdocs/mapbender3-"}
>>> []
>>> So i think, the second database connection is not etablished. If i
>>> use the
>>> parameters with other applications or psql everything works.
>>> Restarting
>>> apache has no effect. It would be great if someone has a hint what
>>> i missed
>>> here.
>>>> Thanks in advance
>>>> Uwe Seher
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>>> --
>>> Axel Schaefer
>>> WhereGroup GmbH & Co. KG
>>> Eifelstraße 7
>>> 53119 Bonn
>>> Germany
>>> Fon: +49 (0)228 / 90 90 38 [3] - 23 [2] (neue Durchwahl!)
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>>> axel.schaefer at wheregroup.com
>>> www.meldemax.com [4] [4]
>>> www.wheregroup.com [5] [5]
>>> Amtsgericht Bonn, HRA 6788
>>> -------------------------------
>>> Komplementärin:
>>> WhereGroup Verwaltungs GmbH
>>> vertreten durch:
>>> Olaf Knopp, Peter Stamm
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>> --
>> Mit freundlichen Grüßen
>> Astrid Emde
>> GIS-Consultant
>> *********************************************************
>> FOSS Academy Winterschule 2017
>> 20.-24.03.2017 [7] in Bonn
>> Alles Wichtige zur Erstellung einer GDI in nur 5 Tagen!
>> *********************************************************
>>  Astrid Emde
>>  WhereGroup GmbH & Co.KG
>>  Eifelstraße 7
>>  53119 Bonn
>>  Germany
>>   Fon: +49(0)228 90 90 38 - 22 [8]
>>  Fax: +49(0)228 90 90 38 - 11 [9]
>>  astrid.emde at wheregroup.com
>>  www.wheregroup.com [5]
>>  Folgen Sie der WhereGroup auf twitter:
>> http://twitter.com/WhereGroup_com [10]
>> Amtsgericht Bonn, HRA 6788
>> -------------------------------
>> Komplementärin:
>> WhereGroup Verwaltungs GmbH
>> vertreten durch:
>> Olaf Knopp, Peter Stamm
>> -------------------------------
>>   pgp-public key:
>>  http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?search=0x06DA52D72D515284 [11]
>>  Signierte und/oder verschlüsselte Nachrichten sind sehr willkommen
>>  Signed and/or encrypted mail is highly appreciated
>> Links:
>> ------
>> [1]
>> http://doc.mapbender3.org/en/bundles/Mapbender/CoreBundle/el
>> ements/search_router.html#yaml-definition
>> [2] http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/mapbender_users
>> [3] tel:%2B49%20%280%29228%20%2F%2090%2090%2038
>> [4] http://www.meldemax.com
>> [5] http://www.wheregroup.com
>> [6] https://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/mapbender_users
>> [7] tel:20.-24.03.2017
>> [8] tel:%2B49%280%29228%2090%2090%2038%20-%2022
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>> [10] http://twitter.com/WhereGroup_com
>> [11] http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?search=0x06DA52D72D515284
> --
> Mit freundlichen Grüßen
> Astrid Emde
> GIS-Consultant
> *********************************************************
> FOSS Academy Winterschule 2017
> 20.-24.03.2017 in Bonn
> Alles Wichtige zur Erstellung einer GDI in nur 5 Tagen!
> *********************************************************
>  Astrid Emde
>  WhereGroup GmbH & Co.KG
>  Eifelstraße 7
>  53119 Bonn
>  Germany
>  Fon: +49(0)228 90 90 38 - 22
>  Fax: +49(0)228 90 90 38 - 11
>  astrid.emde at wheregroup.com
>  www.wheregroup.com
>  Folgen Sie der WhereGroup auf twitter: http://twitter.com/WhereGroup_com
> Amtsgericht Bonn, HRA 6788
> -------------------------------
> Komplementärin:
> WhereGroup Verwaltungs GmbH
> vertreten durch:
> Olaf Knopp, Peter Stamm
> -------------------------------
>  pgp-public key:
>  http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?search=0x06DA52D72D515284
>  Signierte und/oder verschlüsselte Nachrichten sind sehr willkommen
>  Signed and/or encrypted mail is highly appreciated
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