[Mapbender-users] Error 'No URL signature provided' when using Digitzer

Jens Keller jk at ktgis.de
Tue May 23 02:55:36 PDT 2017


i reinstalled Mapbender3. This time i'm using a postgresql-database for 
the admin-data of Mapbender3 (the first time i was using the integrated 
sqlite-db). Then i copied the project "mapbender_user YAML" and added a 
Digitizer as described in the manual (accessing a database in 
postgresql/postgis). This time i don't get any error at all. Not in the 
prod.log and also not in the owsproxy_log-table in the database. But 
everytime i include the digitizer the mapbender-project stays mainly 
white and on the left site you see some html-fragments coming from the 

My setup:

- Windows 8.1
- Apache 2.4.25 with Fast-CGI
- PHP 5.6.30 Non-Thread-Safe
- Mapbender

Is there a way to find out what is wrong, because the log-files don't 
show any errors.

Thanks in advance,

Jens Keller

Am 18.05.2017 um 09:00 schrieb Jens Keller:
> Hello,
> i'm trying to configure the Digitizer in my new Mapbender3 project 
> (version I followed the instructions in the documentation 
> (http://doc.mapbender3.org/en/bundles/Mapbender/CoreBundle/elements/digitizer.html), 
> but i always get the following error:
> ich versuche den Digitizer in meinem Mapbender3-Projekt (Version 
> einzurichten. Ich habe mich dabei an die Schritte in der 
> Dokumentation gehalten, aber ich bekomme immer den folgenden Fehler:
> [2017-05-18 08:31:27] request.INFO: Matched route 
> "owsproxy3_core_owsproxy_entrypoint". 
> {"route_parameters":{"_controller":"OwsProxy3\\CoreBundle\\Controller\\OwsProxyController::entryPointAction","_route":"owsproxy3_core_owsproxy_entrypoint"},"request_uri":"http://localhost:8080/mapbender3/owsproxy/?url=http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A8080%2Fmapbender3%2Fapplication%2Fdemo%2Finstance%2F16%2Ftunnel%3FTRANSPARENT%3DTRUE%26FORMAT%3Dimage%252Fpng%26VERSION%3D1.1.1%26EXCEPTIONS%3Dapplication%252Fvnd.ogc.se_xml%26SERVICE%3DWMS%26REQUEST%3DGetMap%26STYLES%3D%26LAYERS%3Dosm%26_OLSALT%3D0.5626265276672514%26SRS%3DEPSG%253A31468%26BBOX%3D4459334.8866498%2C5302750%2C4459665.1133503%2C5302750%26WIDTH%3D2358%26HEIGHT%3D0"} 
> []
> [2017-05-18 08:31:27] security.INFO: Populated the TokenStorage with 
> an anonymous Token. [] []
> [2017-05-18 08:31:27] request.CRITICAL: Uncaught PHP Exception 
> Exception: "No URL signature provided" at 
> C:\mapbender3\owsproxy\src\OwsProxy3\CoreBundle\Controller\OwsProxyController.php 
> line 105 {"exception":"[object] (Exception(code: 500): No URL 
> signature provided at 
> C:\\mapbender3\\owsproxy\\src\\OwsProxy3\\CoreBundle\\Controller\\OwsProxyController.php:105)"} 
> []
> Thanks in advance,
> Jens Keller 
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