[Mapbender-users] set language for one Application ?
karsten at terragis.net
Fri Feb 23 06:07:30 PST 2018
Great that worked.
There is a little bit work involved to do this for each element but looking
at the translation file tags I found all that are needed to make it work.
I did not find any mention about this in the documentation so I would be
happy to add that somewhere. I also found the option to directly edit the
element titles in the database table mb_core_element 'title' column (for the
correct application_id of the respective application.
-----Original Message-----
From: Mapbender_users [mailto:mapbender_users-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] On
Behalf Of Astrid Emde
Sent: Freitag, 23. Februar 2018 11:36
To: Mapbender User List
Subject: Re: [Mapbender-users] set language for one Application ?
Hello Karsten,
you provide the translation variable as element title f.e.
* mb.core.poi.class.title for MeetingPoint (POI)
* mb.core.legend.class.title for Legende
* ....
You finde the translations here
and parallel in every other bundle with elements (WmsBundle, WmcBundle)
Like this Mapbender will find a transalation and will provide the Text in
the language defined in parameters.yml.
Best regards Astrid
Am 2018-02-23 10:27, schrieb karsten:
> Hi All,
> I just successfully installed MapBender v. on a Ubuntu 14.0
> machine and copied an existing Application to start a new customized
> one.
> I am wondering how I can change the GUI for that application to be
> switched to German (e.g. texts for buttons etc.) ?
> Is that possibly set in a application based additional .yml file under
> the /var/www/mapbender3/app/config/applications directory ?
> I have changed the universal Admin setting in
> /var/www/mapbender3/app/config/parameters.yml to German:
> fallback_locale: en
> locale: de
> and the admin interface is now in German. At the moment all
> applications button texts etc are still in English despite the
> universal setting above. I also did clear the cache after changing the
> setting in in /var/www/mapbender3/app/cache/prod
> So far I was not able to find in the documentation anywhere how to set
> what is used for each individual application. It would be great to be
> able to have application in different languages side by side. Any
> ideas how this can be accomplished ?
> Cheers
> Karsten
> Karsten Vennemann
> Principal
> Deutschland - Germany
> Terra GIS
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> 7001 Seaview Ave. NW, Suite 160-561
> Seattle, WA 98117
> www.terragis.net [1]
> Links:
> ------
> [1] http://www.terragis.net/
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Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Astrid Emde
Senior GIS-Consultant
FOSS Academy Kompaktkurs Winterschule 2018 Grundwissen zum Aufbau von
Geodateninfrastrukturen mit Open-Source-Software
Astrid Emde
WhereGroup GmbH & Co.KG
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