[Mapbender-users] Installing Geomoose

LARA topografia at oliva.es
Wed Jan 29 23:42:53 PST 2020

Hi everyone. First, say that Geomoose developers have done a great job. 
Select this software after trying Geoserver, Openlayers, QgisServer, etc 
... largely due to its ability to represent different types of 
information (SHP, ECW ... etc) and especially because the user query 
environment It seems intuitive, simple, clear and with great features. I 
have installed the software and I am including my own information by 
customizing the sample demo data. I encounter the problem of the initial 
display. I use UTM ETRS89 N. I have changed the map extension in the 
mapbook.xml, in the app.js and in the * .map ... and nothing ... the 
initial visualization is still wrong ... that I am missing ? Thank you...


app.loadMapbook({url: 'mapbook.xml'}).then(function() { // set the 
default view. app.setView({ center: [ 746000 , 4304950 ], zoom: 2 });

app.registerAction('fullextent', ZoomToAction, { extent: 
[746000,4304950,758122,4314545] });


PROJECTION "init=epsg:25830" END EXTENT 746000 4304950 758100 4314500

Winodws Server 2016. MS4W 2019-12-19. Apache 2.4. Mapserver 5.6. 
Geomoose 3.4.0. Thanks in advance

*Cap del Departament de Cartografia i Topografia*
Lara Perez Bessone
Enginyera Tecnica Topografa Municipal
email: topografia at oliva.es Tel. mòvil: 647 835 086 ext. 521

*Ajuntament d'Oliva - València*
Plaça del Ajuntament 1, 46780 Oliva
Tel. 962850250 Fax 962855165 www.oliva.es

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