[Mapbender-users] #Mapbender #SearchRouter #PostgreSQLconnection

Marcin Niemyjski mniemyjski at cloudferro.com
Wed Jun 8 07:29:52 PDT 2022

Hello there,

I have recently started my adventure with Mapbender. From here I wanted to congratulate you for doing a good job in providing free geoprocessing solutions.

While creating the geportal I encountered a problem. I would like to add a Search Router to my geportal but I am having trouble connecting to a PostgreSQL database. Is it enough if I change database properties in config parameters.yml file to properties of my database and then define what I want to search in the Contents tab?

I also have a question about defining checkboxes in Mapbender. I would like to create a feature using FeatureInfo that displays a graph created based on data from columns in the database, but the graphs in the image would only come from columns whose names are marked with chechboxes. Could you please tell me how I could achieve this functionality and what I need to learn to do it?

I am also uploading a text file (konfiguracja_Mapbender) showing how I configured the parameteres.yml, config.yml and search router configuration files. It would be great if you could check where there might be a mistake or maybe I am leaving something out.

Best regards,
Marcin Niemyjski

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