[Mapbender-users] #Mapbender #SearchRouter #PostgreSQLconnection

Jörg Thomsen (WhereGroup) joerg.thomsen at wheregroup.com
Wed Jun 8 08:05:24 PDT 2022

Hello Marcin,

thanks for your praise!
Your config looks OK, to be sure:

  - port 5433 is correct, you are using pgbouncer?
  - name of the database is dzrol? (parameters.yml)
  - name of the table is dzrol too (relation: dzrol)

What's the error you get? Using the network-tools of the browser you can 
have a look at the request and results Mapbender sends and gets back 
from the server. Can find any hints in the Mapbender log-files?

For testing I would use
compare: ilike (instead of exact)

To your 2nd question:
Do you know https://doc.mapbender.org/en/development/element_generate.html
You will find there how to create an own working MB-Element in general. 
  The rest should be done with html/javascript, php on server-side an a 
some blood, sweat and tears.

Am 08.06.22 um 16:29 schrieb Marcin Niemyjski:
> Hello there,
> I have recently started my adventure with Mapbender. From here I wanted 
> to congratulate you for doing a good job in providing free geoprocessing 
> solutions.
> While creating the geportal I encountered a problem. I would like to add 
> a Search Router to my geportal but I am having trouble connecting to a 
> PostgreSQL database. Is it enough if I change database properties in 
> config parameters.yml file to properties of my database and then define 
> what I want to search in the Contents tab?
> I also have a question about defining checkboxes in Mapbender. I would 
> like to create a feature using FeatureInfo that displays a graph created 
> based on data from columns in the database, but the graphs in the image 
> would only come from columns whose names are marked with chechboxes. 
> Could you please tell me how I could achieve this functionality and what 
> I need to learn to do it?
> I am also uploading a text file (konfiguracja_Mapbender) showing how I 
> configured the parameteres.yml, config.yml and search router 
> configuration files. It would be great if you could check where there 
> might be a mistake or maybe I am leaving something out.
> Best regards,
> Marcin Niemyjski
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Viele Grüße,
Jörg Thomsen

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Jörg Thomsen
WhereGroup GmbH
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10717 Berlin

Tel: +49 (0)30 / 5130 278 74
Fax: +49 (0)30 / 5130 278 11	

joerg.thomsen at wheregroup.com

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